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v. pokrýt; zakrýt; limitovat; říct lepší; překonat; nasadit na zub korunku; vybrat koho pro sportovní reprezentaci země; nasadit tomu korunu; vrchol(em) všeho je/bylo; a aby toho nebylo málo
n. čepice se štítkem; čepice; reprezentační čepička; uzávěr; poprvé reprezentoval

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Czas. pokrywać; ograniczać; uwieńczyć; wybierać do reprezentacji narodowej; na domiar złego
Rzecz. czapka; czapka; czepek; nakrętka; kapsel; nasadka

Victors - Romanian-English DictionaryDownload this dictionary
(şef) = head
(şef) = chief
(conducător) = leader
anat. head
geogr. cape
(ţeastă) = skull
geogr. headland
(ţeastă) = brain pan
geogr. foreland
(ţeastă) = pate
(ţeastă) = noddle
sl. attic
sl. nob
sl. (cocoa) nut
(vârf, creştet) = top
fig. (minte, pricepere) = mind
fig. (minte, pricepere) = sense
fig. (minte, pricepere) = understanding
fig. (minte, pricepere) = judgment
fig. (minte, pricepere) = brain(s)
fig. (minte, pricepere) = grey matter
(individ) = head
(fiecare) = each
(persoană) = person
(bucată) = piece
(capitol) = chapter
(titlu) = title
(titlu) = heading
fig. (început) = beginning
fig. (capăt) = end
a avea un cap bun = to have a good head / brain
a avea un cap bun = to have good brains
a bate capul cuiva = to bore smb.
a bate capul cuiva = to bother smb.
a bate capul cuiva = to have smb. on the line
a bate capul cuiva = to pester smb.
a bate pe cineva la cap = to pester smb.
a băga ceva în capul cuiva = to put / hammer smth. into smb.'s head
a clătina din cap = to shake one's head
a da din cap (a moţăi) = fam. to (have a) snooze
a da din cap (a moţăi) = to drop off to sleep
a da din cap (a moţăi) = to nod
a da din cap (afirmativ) = to nod (one's head)
a da din cap (negativ) = to shake one's head
a da ochii peste cap (a muri) = fam. to kick the bucket
a da ochii peste cap = to roll(about) one's eyes
a da paharul peste cap = to drink the draught
a da pe cineva peste cap = to defeat smb.
a da pe cineva peste cap = to overthrow smb.
a deschide capul cuiva = to open smb.'s eyes
a face toate după capul lui = to be self-willed / stubborn
a face toate după capul lui = to have a head / mind of one's own
a fi până peste cap în datorii = to be head over ears in debt
a i se urca la cap şi fig. = to go to one's head
a merge în capul... (cu gen.) = to head...
a nu avea nici cap nici coadă = to have neither head nor tail / neither rhyme nor reason
a nu avea unde să-şi pună capul = to be shelterless
a nu şti unde să-şi bage / vâre capul = not to know which way to turn
a nu-şi pierde capul fam. = to have one's brains on ice
a o lua de la cap = to start from the beginning again
a o scoate la cap = to make both ends meet
a o scoate la cap cu ... (a termina) = to an end / a close
a o scoate la cap cu ... (a termina) = to bring...
a o scoate la cap cu ... (a termina) = to carry... through / out
a plăti cu capul = to pay with one's life
a scoate ceva din capul cuiva = to put / get / knock smth. out of smb.'s head / mind
a se apuca cu mâinile de cap = to clutch at one's head
a se bate cap în cap = to be contradictory / conflicting
a se da peste cap fig. fam. = to lay oneself out
a se ridica în capul oaselor = to sit up
a se scula cu noaptea în cap = to get up at daybreak / dawn
a se scula cu noaptea în cap = to get up early in the morning
a se ţine de capul cuiva = to badger smb.
a se ţine de capul cuiva = to importune smb.
a se ţine de capul cuiva = to worry smb.
a sta în capul oaselor = to sit up
a şi-o lua în cap = to show / display signs of a swollen head
a şi-o lua în cap fam. = to get / grow too big for one's boots / breeches
a tăia capul cuiva = to behead smb.
a tăia capul cuiva = to strike / chop smb.'s head off
a ţine capul sus = to keep / hold one's head up
a-i da cuiva la cap (a nimici) fam. = to do smb. in
a-i dat cuiva la cap (a bate) = fam. to belabour smb.
a-i dat cuiva la cap (a bate) = fam. to pitch into smb.
a-i trece prin cap = to dawn on one
are ceva în cap (are o idee) = he is planning smth.
are ceva în cap (e deştept) = he has smth. on the brain
a-şi bate capul cu ... = to trouble one's head about...
a-şi băga capul sănătos sub Evanghelie = to go asking for trouble
a-şi băga în cap că... fam. = to take / get it into one's head that...
a-şi face de cap (a face pe nebunul) fam. = to play the fool / giddy goat
a-şi face de cap (a face prostii) = to do foolish things
a-şi face de cap (a fi încăpăţânat) = to be self-willed
a-şi face de cap (a fi încăpăţânat) = to have a head of one's own
a-şi lua lumea în cap = to follow one's nose
a-şi lua lumea în cap = to go into the wide world
a-şi pierde capul = to lose one's head / wits / presence of mind / self-possession
a-şi pleca capul, a lăsa capul în jos = to hang one's head (down)
a-şi scoate ceva din cap fam. = to get / put smth. out of one's head
au revenit 100 lei de cap = each person's portion was 100 lei
basma de cap = head cloth / kerchief
bătut în cap fam. = dull-witted
bătut în cap fam. = thick-headed
cap de alimentare tehn. = valve for boiler
cap de aprindere tehn. = hot bulb
cap de cocoş bot. = v. dulcişor
cap de mort / moarte, capul lui Adam entom. = v. strigă
cap de pagină = top of the page
cap de pod mil. = beach head
cap de pod mil. = bridge head
cap încoronat = crowned head
cap limpede = lucid mind
cap luminat = bright intellect / spirit
cap sec / de bostan fam. = blockhead
cap sec / de bostan fam. = empty pate
cap sec / de bostan fam. = numskull
capete de acuzare jur. = counts of the charge / indictment
capete de vite = heads of cattle
Capul Bunei Speranţe = the Cape of Good Hope
capul cerbului entom. = v. rădaşcă
capul face, capul trage = you must reap what you have sown
capul patului = head of the bed
capul răutăţilor = firebrand
capul răutăţilor = mischief maker
capul sau coroana? = heads or tails?
capul unei monede = head of a coin
cât păr în cap = countless multitudes
cât păr în cap = hosts
câte capete, atâtea păreri / căciuli = so many men, so many minds
clătinare a capului = shaking / shake of the head
cu capul gol = bareheaded
cu capul gol = in one's hair
cu capul între umeri = with a good / sound head on his shoulders
cum îl taie capul = at his own sweet will
cum îl taie capul = taking nobody's advice
cum îl taie capul = what he pleases
da se da peste cap = to turn / throw a somersault
din cap până în picioare = from head to foot
din cap până în picioare = from top to toe
din capul locului = from the very beginning
din capul lui = off his bat
durere de cap = headache, bad head
e un om cu capul între umeri) = he has a (good / sound) head on his shoulders
e un om cu capul între umeri) = he is a sensible man
greu / tare de cap = dull-witted
greu / tare de cap fam. = thick-headed
greu / tare de cap fam. = wooden-headed
i-a ieşit din cap fam. = he clean forgot it
i-a pus dumnezeu mâna în cap (a dat de noroc) fam. = he has the devil's own luck
i-a pus Dumnezeu mâna în cap (e norocos) fam. = he's a lucky dog
i-a pus Dumnezeu mâna în cap (e norocos) fam. = he's born with a silver spoon in his mouth
îmi pun capul că... = I'll bet anything you like that...
îmi pun capul pentru = I'll answer / vouch for...
îmi pun capul pentru = I'll stake my life on...
în cap (toţi) = to a man
în capul mesei = at the head of the table
în capul oaselor = in a sitting position
în capul oaselor = sitting (up)
în capul scărilor = at the stairhead
în capul scărilor = at the top of the stairs
în capul scărilor = on the top landing
în ruptul capului fam. = not for love or money
legătură de cap = head band(age)
lovitură cu capul sport = heading
mai înalt cu un cap = taller by a head
mă doare capul = I have a headache
mă doare capul = my head aches
mi se învârteşte capul = I feel / am giddy
n-are nimic în cap = he is empty-headed
nu face nimic după capul altuia = he follows nobody's advice but his own
nu mă taie capul = I am at my wits' end
nu mă taie capul = I can' understand / make out
nu ştiu ce i-a intrat în cap = I don't know what (idea) can have entered his head
nu ştiu ce i-a intrat în cap = I don't know what (idea) has possessed him
nu-i intră în cap = he can' make out
nu-i intră în cap = he doesn't understand
odată cu capul! = not for the life of me
odată cu capul! = not for the world!
om cu cap = a man of sense
om cu cap = a man with brains
peste cap (până peste cap) fam. = up to the hub
peste cap (până peste cap) = head over ears
peste cap (până peste cap) = up to the elbows
peste cap = head foremost
peste cap = head over heels
pielea capului = scalp
pun capul jos fam. = I'll bet a cookie / my hat / my boots
rană la cap = wound in the head
sânt sătul până peste cap de... = I'm fed up with ...
semn cu capul = nod
un cap de aţă = a bit
un cap de aţă = a whit
un cap de aţă = a whittle
unde nu e cap e vai de picioare = woe to the mule that sees not her master.
uşor de cap = bright
uşor de cap = quick-witted
uşor de cap = sharp

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▪ Cable



▪ to copy; crib

cóp bài văn : To crib an essay



▪ Hem, rim, edge

cạp rổ : the rim on a basket

cạp quần : the upper hem of a pair of trousers, the belt of a pair of trousers


▪ To hem, to rim, to embank

cạp lại_cái rá : to put a new rim on a basket

cạp bờ ao : to embank a pond

▪ To gnaw into



▪ Step

▪ Rank, level, class

chính_quyền các cấp : all levels of government

sĩ_quan cấp tá : an officer of a field rank, a field-officer

▪ Grade

lớp bảy là lớp cuối_cùng của cấp hai : the 7th form is the last of the second grade


▪ Urgent, pressing

việc cấp lắm : a very pressing business


▪ To grant, to issue

cấp học_bổng cho học sinh



▪ To land, to draw up alongside

thuyền cập bến : the boat landed

ca_nô cập mạn tàu : the motor boat drew alongside the ship



▪ To carry by holding against one's side, to carry under one's arms

cắp nón : to carry one's hat by holding it against one's side

▪ To claw, to grip

diều_hâu cắp gà con : the kite clawed the chicken

cua cắp : the crab grips with its claws

▪ To filch, to steal

ăn_cắp vặt : to pilfer



▪ Bag, case

cặp học_sinh : a school bag

cặp da : a leather briefcase

cắp cặp đi học : to go to school, one's bag under one's arms

▪ Pair, couple

cặp_vợ_chồng : a couple

cặp mắt : a pair of eyes

▪ Tongs, pin

dùng cặp gắp than : to pick up coal with tongs


-cặp ba lá

▪ Three ▪ bladed hairpin



▪ Tiger

cọp cái : Tigress

Syn : con cọp

Moby ThesaurusDownload this dictionary
Synonyms and related words:
Balmoral, Dutch cap, Panama, Panama hat, Salvation Army bonnet, Stetson, acme, apex, apogee, ascender, astrakhan, back, balaclava helmet, baseball cap, bastard type, beany, beard, bearskin, beaver, befog, belly, beret, best, better, bevel, bewilder, black letter, blanket, blasting cap, boater, body, bonnet, boot, bowler, bracket capital, brass hat, breech, brow, busby, button up, calash, campaign hat, cap, capital, capote, capsheaf, caput, carry to completion, case, castor, ceil, chapeau, chapeau bras, clean up, climax, cloak, cloche, close out, close up, cloud nine, coat, cob, cock-and-pinch, coif, complete, conclude, confound, confuse, consummate, cork, cornice, counter, cover, coverchief, coxcomb, crest, crown, culmen, culminate, culmination, derby, descender, detonating powder, detonator, dome, edge, electric detonator, em, en, end, exceed, excel, exploder, extreme limit, extremity, face, fantail, fat-faced type, feet, fez, finalize, finish, finish off, finish up, font, frock, frost, fulminating mercury, fuse, get done, get it over, get through, get through with, give in kind, go one better, gown, groove, handkerchief, hard hat, hat, head, headcloth, headdress, headgear, heading, headpiece, headtire, headwear, heaven, heavens, height, helmet, high noon, highest pitch, highest point, homburg, hood, ice, improve on, italic, jacket, jockey cap, kaffiyeh, kelly, kepi, kerchief, leghorn, letter, lex talionis, lid, ligature, limit, logotype, lower case, majuscule, mantle, match, maximum, mercury fulminate, meridian, millinery, minuscule, mobcap, mop up, mortarboard, mountaintop, ne plus ultra, nick, nightcap, no place higher, noon, opera hat, operculum, outshine, outstrip, outtop, outweigh, overarch, overbalance, overbear, overcast, overcome, overlay, overpass, overseas cap, overspread, overtop, pass, peak, peaked cap, percussion cap, perfect, perplex, pi, pica, picture hat, pillbox, pinhead, pinnacle, pitch, pith hat, pith helmet, plug, point, poke, pole, porkpie, pose, predominate, preponderate, prevail, primacord, primer, priming, print, puggree, repay in kind, return the compliment, return the like, ridge, roman, roof, roof in, round out, rumal, sailor, sans serif, scraper, script, seventh heaven, shank, shirt, shoe, shoulder, shovel hat, silk hat, skullcap, sky, slouch hat, small cap, small capital, snood, sock, sombrero, spire, squib, stamp, stem, stocking, stopper, stovepipe, stumble, summit, sun hat, sun helmet, sunbonnet, sundown, surmount, surpass, tam, ten-gallon hat, terminate, tin hat, tip, tip-top, top, top hat, top off, top out, topee, topknot, topper, tower above, tower over, transcend, trilby, trump, turban, type, type body, type class, type lice, typecase, typeface, typefounders, typefoundry, tyrolean hat, upmost, upper case, upper extremity, uppermost, utmost, vertex, very top, wide-awake, wimple, wind up, wind-cutter, wrap up, yarmulka, zenith

Source: Moby Thesaurus, which is part of the Moby Project created by Grady Ward. In 1996 Grady Ward placed this thesaurus in the public domain.