
Found in thesaurus: biological process, organic process

Babylon English-SpanishDownload this dictionary
s. envejecimiento, añejamiento; proceso de envejecimiento
v. envejecer, avejentar, aviejar, hacerse mayor, hacerse viejo; añejar, estar envejecido, estar envejeciendo

English_Spanish by Jaime AguirreDownload this dictionary
s.- maduración | añejamiento | vejez | envejecimiento | obsolescencia
adj.- senescente
v.- añejar | envejecer -
s.- edad | era | época | período
adj.- etáreo

Glossary of archaeological researchDownload this dictionary
envejecimiento , estimar edad

An English-Spanish Dictionary (Granada University, Spain), 14.4Download this dictionary
(v.) = envejecer.
Ex: A great deal of traditional indigenous knowledge is being irretrievably lost in New Zealand as the Maori elders age and pass away.

ageing1 [aging]
(n.) = envejecimiento, vejez.
Ex: These are reference materials that may be useful to librarians who serve practitioners, researchers, caregivers, interested non-professionals and the elderly who wish to learn about the psychology of adult development and aging.
* ageing population [aging population] = envejecimiento de la población.
* ageing resistance [aging resistance] = resistencia al envejecimiento.
* cellular aging [cellular ageing] = envejecimiento celular.
* mental aging = envejecimiento mental.

ageing2 [aging]
(n.) = obsolescencia, envejecimiento.
Ex: Aging is one of the properties of scientific and technical literature.
* ageing rate [aging rate] = índice de obsolescencia.
* aging factor [ageing factor] = índice de obsolescencia.
* literature aging [literature ageing] = obsolescencia del documento.

ageing3 [aging]
(adj.) = en proceso de envejecimiento, cada vez más viejo.
Ex: The library director and the architect cooperated to preserve the distinctness of an aging building while providing the public with up-to-the-minute services.

aging1 [ageing]
(n.) = envejecimiento, vejez.
Ex: These are reference materials that may be useful to librarians who serve practitioners, researchers, caregivers, interested non-professionals and the elderly who wish to learn about the psychology of adult development and aging.
* aging population [ageing population] = envejecimiento de la población.
* aging process = proceso de envejecimiento.
* aging resistance [ageing resistance] = resistencia al envejecimiento.
* cellular aging [cellular ageing] = envejecimiento celular.
* mental aging = envejecimiento mental.
* retard + aging = retardar el envejecimiento, retrasar el envejecimiento.

aging2 [ageing]
(n.) = obsolescencia, envejecimiento.
Ex: Aging is one of the properties of scientific and technical literature.
* aging factor [ageing factor] = índice de obsolescencia.
* aging rate [ageing rate] = índice de obsolescencia.
* literature aging [literature ageing] = obsolescencia del documento.

aging3 [ageing]
(adj.) = en proceso de envejecimiento, cada vez más viejo.
Ex: The library director and the architect cooperated to preserve the distinctness of an aging building while providing the public with up-to-the-minute services.

EN-ES GonzaloDownload this dictionary
aging population
s.- [Med] envejecimiento de la población
successful aging
s.- [Med] envejecimiento con salud | envejecimiento sano