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adj. practical, functional, useable; put to use; put into practice
v. make a request; implement; put to use; enforce; spread on a surface (such as paint, ointment, etc.); refer; (Medicine) place, lay (e.g.: "apply the hand to the chest")

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1. that are used; "an isotropic resonance lower applied fields"
(participle) use, utilize, utilise, apply, employ
2. concerned with concrete problems or data rather than with fundamental principles; opposed to theoretical; "applied physics"; "applied psychology"; "technical problems in medicine, engineering, economics and other applied disciplines"- Sidney Hook
(antonym) theoretical
(similar) practical
3. put into practice or put to use; "applied physics"
(similar) practical


1. put into service; make work or employ (something) for a particular purpose or for its inherent or natural purpose; "use your head!"; "we only use Spanish at home"; "I can't make use of this tool"; "Apply a magnetic field here"; "This thinking was applied to many projects"; "How do you utilize this tool?"; "I apply this rule to get good results"; "use the plastic bags to store the food"; "He doesn't know how to use a computer"
(synonym) use, utilize, utilise, employ
(hyponym) give, dedicate, consecrate, commit, devote
(cause) hold, go for
(verb-group) practice, use
(derivation) application, practical application
2. be pertinent or relevant or applicable; "The same laws apply to you!"; "This theory holds for all irrational numbers"; "The same rules go for everyone"
(synonym) hold, go for
(hypernym) refer, pertain, relate, concern, come to, bear on, touch, touch on
(verb-group) lend oneself
3. ask (for something); "He applied for a leave of absence"; "She applied for college"; "apply for a job"
(hypernym) request, bespeak, call for, quest
(hyponym) put in, submit
(derivation) application
4. apply to a surface; "She applied paint to the back of the house"; "Put on make-up!"
(synonym) put on
(hypernym) cover
(hyponym) dab, swab, swob
(derivation) lotion, application
5. be applicable to; as to an analysis; "This theory lends itself well to our new data"
(synonym) lend oneself
(verb-group) hold, go for
(derivation) application, practical application
6. give or convey physically; "She gave him First Aid"; "I gave him a punch in the nose"
(synonym) give
(hypernym) distribute, administer, mete out, deal, parcel out, lot, dispense, shell out, deal out, dish out, allot, dole out
(hyponym) tread
(verb-group) give
7. avail oneself to; "apply a principle"; "practice a religion"; "use care when going down the stairs"; "use your common sense"; "practice non-violent resistance"
(synonym) practice, use
(hyponym) follow
(verb-group) use, utilize, utilise, employ
(derivation) application, practical application
8. ensure observance of laws and rules; "Apply the rules to everyone";
(synonym) enforce, implement
(hypernym) compel, oblige, obligate
(hyponym) run, execute
9. refer (a word or name) to a person or thing; "He applied this racial slur to me!"
(hypernym) denote, refer
(derivation) application, practical application
10. apply oneself to; "Please apply yourself to your homework"
(hypernym) give, dedicate, consecrate, commit, devote
(derivation) application, diligence

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pří aplikovaný
v. žádat; ucházet se; využít; použít; nanést, věnovat (se)
v. vztahovat se

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Przym. stosowany
Czas. składać podanie; stosować; przykładać; smarować; odnosić się; dotyczyć; stosować; skupiać się nad czymś; przykładać się

Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)Download this dictionary
(imp. & p. p.)
of Apply

Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913), edited by Noah Porter. About