
Babylon English-SpanishDownload this dictionary
adj. acompañante
s. asistente, camarero, encargado, servidor

English_Spanish by Jaime AguirreDownload this dictionary
encargado | sirviente | criado | servidor | camarero | asistente | acomodador | acompañante

An English-Spanish Dictionary (Granada University, Spain), 14.4Download this dictionary
(n.) = encargado, dependiente, guarda, trabajador, empleado.
Ex: Other libraries allow bags to be brought in but an attendant is employed to check the contents as the reader leaves the library.
* attendant care = cuidados a domicilio.
* car park attendant = guardacoches.
* flight attendant = auxiliar de vuelo, azafata.
* hospital attendant = ayudante de hospital.
* park attendant = vigilante de parque, guarda.
* parking attendant = controlador de estacionamiento, guardacoches.
* parking lot attendant = guardacoches.

(n.) = asistente.
Ex: However, most of the attendants of scientific meetings held overseas believe that the most important aspect of the meetings was the opportunity of making informal contacts.

(adj.) = presente.
Ex: Quite obviously, as most children spend their infant years aware of very few people, usually members of their family, it is from them -- parents, brothers and sisters, attendant relatives and friends -- that they learn the primary adaptive lessons.

(adj.) = concomitante, relacionado, que conlleva, afín.
Ex: If anything, it interposes an additional link in the communication chain, with its attendant 'interface' problems.
* attendant upon = relacionado con.