
Found in thesaurus: basic cognitive process, group action

Babylon English-SpanishDownload this dictionary
adj. estar presente, estar disponible; preocupase por, servir, cuidar de
v. atender, cuidar, dar asistencia a, dar ayuda a, servir; acudir, asistir, concurrir, prestar atención a, asistir a, concurrir a

English_Spanish by Jaime AguirreDownload this dictionary
v.- asistir | cuidar | acudir | concurrir | ir a | concurrir | dar asistencia

An English-Spanish Dictionary (Granada University, Spain), 14.4Download this dictionary
= relativo a.
Ex: These additional questions are address further along in the process, but awareness of their existence is esential in the deliberations attending the question 'Why?'.
* attending problem = problema asociado.

(v.) = asistir, asistir a, ir, ir a.
Ex: He was awarded the bachelor's degree, magna cum laude, from Harvard University, and he attended Rutgers Library School where he graduated first in his class.
* attend + a class = asistir a una clase.
* attend + a course = asistir a un curso.
* attend + a meeting = asistir a una reunión.
* attend + Universidad = estudiar en una Universidad.

(v.) = estar presente.
Ex: Controversy and antagonism attended each area of investigation, as a flood of secondary publication bears witness = La controversia y el antagonismo estaban presentes en cada una de las área de investigación, como lo atestigua un sinfín de publicaciones.

EN-ES GonzaloDownload this dictionary
adj.- [Med] adjunto --concurrente (Sudam.)--
attending physician
s.- [Med] médico adjunto | residente