
Babylon English-SpanishDownload this dictionary
s. bandas, fajas, tirillas, dos bandas que cuelgan de la parte delantera del sobrecuello o solapa de indumentarias formales de ciertos clérigos letrado u hombres de leyes
s. banda, faja, tirilla, venda; banda musical, conjunto musical, grupo musical; pandilla, cuadrilla, grupo de gente, partida de gente
v. agruparse, coligarse, fajar, circundar

English_Spanish by Jaime AguirreDownload this dictionary
v.- agrupar | reunir | encintar | poner cinta | zunchar | fajar
s.- venda | faja | tira | franja | banda | cinta | zuncho | agrupación | conjunto musical | cuadrilla | pandilla | gama | espectro

INGLESPANISHDownload this dictionary
s. banda, grupo, pandilla, cuadrilla, orquesta; banda, cinta, tira, franja, correa, faja, venda, abrazadera, cenefa, lista, filete; aro, anilla, alianza, argolla; zuncho; (printing) nervio
v. ribetear, atar, anillar, fajar, vendar, precintar, juntar
wave band
banda de frecuencias, banda de ondas

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An English-Spanish Dictionary (Granada University, Spain), 14.4Download this dictionary
(n.) = grupo, banda, panda.
Ex: In recent years a band of disciples has grown up in India, and has contributed to the revision and expansion of the schedules.
* a broad band of = un amplio espectro de.
* a wide band of = un gran espectro de, una gran gama de, un amplio espectro de, una amplia gama de.
* band of taxation = tipo de impuestos.

(n.) = banda de música.
Ex: A condensed score is the score of an orchestral or band work reduce to two, three, or four staves as required.
* band recording = grabación de banda de música.
* bandwagon = chollo, bicoca, canonjía.
* baseband = banda de base.
* boy band = boy band, grupo de cantantes masculino.
* brass band = banda de música.
* girl band = girl band, grupo de cantantes femenino.
* live band = música en directo, grupo musical en directo.
* marching band = banda de música.
* musical band = conjunto musical, conjunto de música, banda musical, banda de música.
* one-man band = hombre orquesta, a cargo de una sola persona.
* rock band = grupo de rock, banda de rock.

(n.) = banda.
Ex: For transmission by the telephone network, data must be converted into signals in this band of frequencies, by means of modems.
* bandwidth = banda, ancho de banda.
* broadband = banda ancha.
* narrow-band = banda estrecha.
* wide-band = banda ancha.

(n.) = banda, franja.
Ex: The cords themselves could be placed either outside the backs of the folded sheets, where they would show as raised bands across the spine of the book, or in slots sawn into the folds to give the book a flat back.
* armband = brazalete.
* band aid = tirita, parche.
* elastic band = goma, elástico.
* elastic hair band = felpa.
* gastric band = banda gástrica.
* hair band = felpa.
* rubber band = goma, elástico.
* rubber band ligature = ligadura con gomas.
* salary band = franja salarial, escala salarial.
* waistband = cinturilla, pretina.
* wedding band = anillo de boda, alianza.
* wristband = muñequera, pulsera.

(v.) = agrupar, reunir, unir.
Ex: The author advises banding retention policies to focus on a few clear options.
* band together = agruparse.