
Babylon English-SpanishDownload this dictionary
v. hacerse, convertirse en, llegar a ser, tornarse, transformarse en, volverse; ponerse, quedar; venir bien, ser conveniente; ser muy apropiado para, ir bien con, ser adecuado

English_Spanish by Jaime AguirreDownload this dictionary
v.- llegar a ser | convertirse | volverse | hacerse | ponerse

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become a monk
hacerse monje, tomar los hábitos

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Llegar a ser, convertirse

An English-Spanish Dictionary (Granada University, Spain), 14.4Download this dictionary
(v.) = llegar a ser, pasar a ser, estar, convertirse, volverse, tornarse, tornarse en.

Def: Verbo irregular: pasado became, participio become.
Ex: Some degree of ignorance of this kind is not unusual since the usual objective in consulting an information source is to become better informed.
* become + a common feature = ser algo normal, ser algo común, ser algo habitual.
* become + acquainted with = familiarizarse con, conocer, llegar a conocer.
* become + adept = acostumbrarse.
* become + Adjetivo = hacerse + Adjetivo.
* become + a force = influir en gran medida.
* become + (all) emotional = emocionarse, ponerse sensible.
* become + allied with = asociarse a, relacionarse con.
* become + (all) sentimental = ponerse sentimental.
* become + (a) part of = formar parte de, participar en.
* become + apparent = aclararse, hacerse evidente.
* become + apprehensive about = temer por, preocuparse por.
* become + a proverb = convertirse en una leyenda.
* become + a reality = convertirse en realidad, hacerse realidad.
* become + a shambles = irse al carajo, irse a pique, irse a la porra, irse al traste.
* become + ashamed = avergonzarse.
* become + a stakeholder in = participar de lleno en.
* become + a thing of the past = pertenecer al pasado.
* become + available = ser asequible, aparecer, surgir.
* become + aware = darse cuenta, percatarse.
* become + bitter = amargarse.
* become + blind = volverse ciego, perder la vista.
* become + blind to = dejar de ver, dejar de percatarse de.
* become + brittle = debilitarse.
* become + carried away by = dejarse llevar, exasperarse por.
* become + cast = representar, dar forma.
* become + central = convertirse en importante.
* become + chagrined = sentirse desilusionado, enojarse.
* become + circular = convertirse en un círculo vicioso.
* become + clear = hacerse obvio, hacerse patente.
* become + cognisant of = ser consciente de, darse cuenta de, conocer.
* become + convenient = hacerse fácil.
* become + conversant with = informarse de, familiarizarse con.
* become + dehydrated = deshidratarse.
* become + demotivated = desmotivarse.
* become + detached from = alejarse de, apartarse de.
* become + disillusioned = desilusionarse, desengañarse, decepcionarse.
* become + disoriented = desorientarse, despistarse.
* become + distressed = preocuparse, afligirse.
* become + due = vencer, caducar.
* become + embedded = incrustrarse.
* become + enamoured of = enamorarse de, entusiasmarse por.
* become + engaged = comprometerse.
* become + engaged (in/with) = colaborar con, participar en, relacionarse con, ocuparse de.
* become + extinct = extinguirse.
* become + familiar (with) = familiarizarse (con).
* become + frustrated = verse frustrado, frustrarse.
* become + full = llenarse.
* become + fused = fundirse.
* become + good at = conseguir ser bueno en.
* become + habitable = hacerse habitable.
* become hardened to = volverse insensible a, acostumbrarse a no sentir.
* become + ill = caer enfermo, enfermar, ponerse enfermo.
* become + imperative = hacerse obligatorio, convertirse en una prioridad.
* become + impoverished = empobrecerse.
* become + infected = infectarse.
* become + interdependent = interdependizarse.
* become + intertwined = entrelazarse.
* become + involved = participar, participar de una forma activa, tomar parte activa, tomar parte.
* become + involved in = verse envuelto en.
* become + jittery = entrar miedo.
* become + known as = llegar a ser conocido como.
* become + large = aumentar.
* become + less stable = desestabilizarse.
* become + meaningful = empezar a tener sentido.
* become + noticeable = hacerse perceptible, notarse.
* become + numb = insensibilizarse, entumecerse, adormecerse.
* become + obsolete = volverse obsoleto, pasar de moda, caducar.
* become + obvious = hacerse obvio.
* become + one with = integrarse con, formar parte de, fundirse con.
* become + operational = empezar a funcionar.
* become + overdue = vencer.
* become + parted from = separarse de.
* become + plentiful = proliferar.
* become + popular = hacerse popular, tener éxito.
* become + pregnant = quedarse embarazada, quedarse en estado, quedarse preñada.
* become + redundant = volverse obsoleto, pasar de moda.
* become + scarce = hacerse escaso, escasear.
* become + self-funding = autofinanciarse.
* become + solidified = solidificarse.
* become + stagnant = estabilizarse, detenerse, estancarse.
* become + standard + Nombre = convertirse en + Nombre + normal.
* become + standard practice = convertirse en algo normal.
* become + stuck = quedarse atrancado, atrancarse, atascarse, quedarse atascado, quedarse varado, no tener salida, no saber qué hacer a continuación, no saber cómo seguir.
* become + the custom = convertirse en la costumbre, ser la costumbre.
* become + the home-from-home of = convertirse en la ciudad de (uno).
* become + the next stop in = ser lo último en.
* become + the norm = convertirse en la norma, ser la norma.
* become + trapped = quedar atrapado.
* become + unhinged = perturbarse, desquiciarse, trastornarse, desequilibrarse.
* become + unionised = sindicarse.
* become + unnoticeable = pasar desapercibido, pasar inadvertido.
* become + unreadable = volverse ilegible.
* become + unusable = inutilizarse.
* become + vacant = quedar vacante, quedar libre.
* become + vicious = volverse cruel.
* become + worse = empeorar.

become + Adjetivo
(v.) = hacerse + Adjetivo.
Ex: Expressiveness often relies upon decimal subdivision, and this may become less systematic with the addition of new subjects.