
Found in thesaurus: weaken, desensitise, desensitize, change, modify, alter

Babylon English-SpanishDownload this dictionary
v. desafilar, despuntar, embotar, entorpecer, quitar la punta a
adj. desafilado, contundente, despuntado, embotado, mocho, poco afilado, romo; rudo, boto, brusco, descortés; directo
s. aguja corta; cigarro corto

English_Spanish by Jaime AguirreDownload this dictionary
rudo | áspero | franco | romo | embotado

An English-Spanish Dictionary (Granada University, Spain), 14.4Download this dictionary
(adj.) = desafilado, embotado, romo.
Ex: The article 'Serials cuts (and the use of a blunt knife)' outlines the initial actions taken by a serial librarian when first faced with the need to cut his serials budget.
* get + blunt = embotarse, desafilarse.

(adj.) = brusco, directo, franco, rotundo, categórico.
Ex: The author discusses the range of enquiries he deals with, the sources of information he uses, and the blunt attitude with which he deals with many enquirers.
* to be blunt = para ser sincero, para ser franco.

(v.) = embotar, desafilar, despuntar, atemperar, suavizar, mitigar.
Ex: It is arguable that such exhortation and implied criticism blunts receptivity and that it is ultimately counterproductive.

EN-ES GonzaloDownload this dictionary
adj.- moderada | tope | inapreciable
blunt dissection
s.- [Med] disección roma --no se hace con instrumentos cortantes--
adj.- de punta roma
blunted affect
s.- [Psiqu] embotamiento afectivo
s.- [Med] obliteración