bring up

Babylon English-SpanishDownload this dictionary
bring up
subir, traer, traer a colación, mencionar, plantear, poner sobre el tapete, poner sobre la mesa, sacar a colación, criar, educar, introducir, levantar
brought up
es traído, es llevado, es tratado (tema); crecido, creció, estudia

English_Spanish by Jaime AguirreDownload this dictionary
bring up
v.- iniciar | iniciar el tema | traer a colación | sacar a colación | plantear | mencionar | educar | crecer | criar | nutrir | levantar | elevar | subir | prender | poner en marcha | echar a andar | rumiar (bolo alimenticio para masticar por segunda vez - rumiantes)

INGLESPANISHDownload this dictionary
bring up
criar, educar; sacar a relucir, sacar a colación, mencionar, tocar, abordar, exponer; devolver; subir; vomitar; abocar

An English-Spanish Dictionary (Granada University, Spain), 14.4Download this dictionary
bring up1
(v.) = presentar en pantalla.
Ex: This menu option brings up the display to select the appropriate subheadings.
bring up2
(v.) = educar.
Ex: Teachers and librarians cannot afford to turn a blind eye to the literature a child is brought up with at home, no matter how anemic and worthless it may seem to be.
bring up3
(v.) = subir, elevar.
Ex: Matrix and mould were pivoted and were brought up to the nozzle of a metal pump for the moment of casting, and then swung back to eject the new-made letter.
bring up4
(v.) = mencionar, traer a colación, sacar a colación, hacer mención de/a.
Ex: When asked to recall our most unforgettable experiences, we often bring up something that marked a turning point in our life.