
Babylon English-SpanishDownload this dictionary
s. capital, activos, fondos, haberes

English_Spanish by Jaime AguirreDownload this dictionary
s.- capital, recursos económicos, patrimonio; metrópolis
adj.- capital, mayúsculo, enorme, grande, considerable

INGLESPANISHDownload this dictionary
early-stage capital
financiación inicial, capital inicial
nominal capital
capital nominal, capital autorizado

Català-CastellàDownload this dictionary

An English-Spanish Dictionary (Granada University, Spain), 14.4Download this dictionary
(n.) = capital.

Def: Ciudad.
Ex: For this purpose, press and information offices have been established in the capitals of the ten member countries.
* capital city = capital.
* capital letter = letra mayúscula.
* provincial capital = capital de provincia.
* state capital = capital estatal, capital del estado.

(n.) = capital.

Def: Dinero.
Ex: Repayments is normally by equal half-yearly payments of capital and interest after a moratorium on capital repayments of up to five years, depending on project completion date.
* capital budget = presupuesto para adquisición de material.
* capital charges = intereses del capital.
* capital costs = inversión de capital, gastos de capital.
* capital expenditure = inversión de capital, gastos de capital.
* capital flow = flujo de capital.
* capital gain = plusvalía, ganancia de capital, beneficio de capital.
* capital grant = subvención extraordinaria, presupuesto extraordinario.
* capital investment = inversión de capital, gastos de capital.
* capital market = mercado de capitales.
* capital outlay = desembolso de capital.
* capital repayment = amortización.
* capital sum = suma de capital.
* debenture capital = capital en obligaciones.
* financial capital = capital económico.
* fixed capital = capital fijo.
* human capital = capital humano.
* intellectual capital = capital intelectual.
* paid-up capital = capital desembolsado.
* physical capital = capital físico.
* raise + capital = conseguir capital.
* repay + capital = pagar capital.
* sink + capital = invertir capital.
* social capital = capital social, civismo.
* tie up + capital = inmovilizar capital.
* venture capital = capital de riesgo.
* working capital = capital activo.

(n.) = mayúscula.
Ex: There are only two sets of symbols whose orders are reasonably universally recognised: the letters of the Roman alphabet (either small or capitals), and Arabic numerals.
* block capital = mayúscula, letra mayúscula, letra de imprenta, letra de molde, carácter de imprenta.
* decorated capital = letra inicial decorada.
* nation-state capital = capital de la nación, capital del estado.
* small capital = letra versalita.
* swash capital = letra inicial decorada.

(n.) = capitel.
Ex: The abacus is a square slab that sits on top of the column's capital and supports the architrave or arch.