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Die Carga war eine Masseneinheit und Volumeneinheit in verschiedenen Ländern in der Bedeutung von Last.

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El término carga puede referirse a:

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Na física, uma carga pode se referir a coisas diferentes, a depender do ramo da física a qual se refere: como carga elétrica para o eletromagnetismo ou carga de cor para a cromodinâmica quântica. Uma carga sempre está associada à números quânticos.

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A Spanish-English Dictionary (Granada University, Spain), 14.4Download this dictionary
(n.) = burden ; load ; cargo ; freight ; loading ; albatross ; payload.
Ex: In information retrieval applications it was more usual for one organisation to carry most of the burden of development of the system, and then to market it to others.
Ex: By designing the floors to carry a superimposed live load of 6.5 kN/m2, it is easy to move bookshelves, reader places and other library functions to any part of the building.
Ex: Today 13 vehicles and 25 staff tour Kent daily, each mobile library carries a cargo of 2,500 books.
Ex: The figure of the woman carried considerable ideological freight during England's commercial expansion from 1688 to 1730.
Ex: Each unit moves around an oval track on a continuous chaindrive in sequence, passing on both sides of a loading and unloading point = Cada unidad se mueve en secuencia alrededor de una pista oval sobre una cadena de tracción continua, pasando a ambos lados de un punto de carga y descarga.
Ex: The sheer margin of the challenger's victory over the incumbent is a sign that the Democratic base is really fired up, and that Bush could be an albatross.
Ex: The total vehicle weight along with its payload is 12 tons.
* aliviar a Alguien de la carga de = relieve + Nombre + of the burden of.
* aliviar de una carga a = relieve + the burden (on/from).
* animal de carga = pack animal.
* barco de carga = bulk cargo ship.
* caballo de carga = shire horse ; Shire.
* carga que se lleva a cuestas = millstone around + Posesivo + neck.
* carga axial = axial load.
* carga biológica = bioburden.
* carga de la prueba, la = burden of proof, the.
* carga de lavadora = washing load ; load of washing.
* carga de profundidad = depth-charge.
* carga de trabajo = workload [work load].
* carga docente = teaching responsibilities.
* carga eléctrica = electrical charge.
* carga emocional = emotional baggage.
* carga excesiva = overload.
* carga explosiva = explosive charge.
* carga familiar = dependent.
* carga o descarga mediante barcaza = lighterage.
* carga radial = radial load.
* cargas = filler.
* culto a la carga = cargo cult.
* de carga automática = self-loading.
* de carga frontal = front-loaded.
* de carga superior = top-loaded.
* descarga = unloading.
* exceso de carga = overload.
* imponer una carga = place + burden.
* muelle de carga = loading dock ; loading bay.
* mulo de carga = workhorse.
* navío de carga = bulk cargo ship.
* realizar una carga en caliente = execute + a warm boot.
* repartir la carga = spread + the load.
* tiempo de carga = loading time.
* trayecto sin viajeros o carga = deadhead.
* zona de carga = loading dock ; loading bay.

(v.) = encumber ; upload ; load ; burden ; debit ; charge.
Ex: If the copy price is entered, the system will encumber the appropriate binding fund.
Ex: Once the data has been edited, the user can go online again to upload this amended file to the host computer.
Ex: This article describes the functionality of CARL software for this purpose, loads a brief rundown of data bases, and gives the criteria for selecting data bases.
Ex: Libraries that aren't burdened by millions of volumes do not need subject heading lists prepared for million-volume libraries.
Ex: An acquisitions file is intended to indicate the status of each title on order, together with information on its ordering (supplier, date etc., for whom it was ordered, and the heading or budget to which the cost is to be debited).
Ex: Each donkey drawn cart is provided with a solar unit installed on the roof; a battery charged by this solar energy supplies the electric power.
* acabar cargando con Algo = wind up with + Nombre.
* cargar con = saddle with.
* cargar con ello = live with it.
* cargar con la culpa = take + the heat.
* cargar con la responsabilidad = shoulder + the burden ; shoulder + the responsibility.
* cargar con las consecuencias = bear + the consequences ; live with + the consequences.
* cargar de electricidad = charge with + electricity.
* cargar de nuevo = recharge ; reload.
* cargar el lavavajillas = load + the dishwasher.
* cargar el mochuelo = pass + the bucket.
* cargar el muerto = pass + the bucket.
* cargar información = load + information.
* cargar la culpa a = lay + the blame on ; put + the blame on ; lay + the blame at + Posesivo + door.
* cargar la lavadora = load + the washing machine.
* cargarle el mochuelo a Alguien = leave + Nombre + holding the bag.
* cargarle el muerto a Alguien = leave + Nombre + holding the bag.
* que se carga por la boca = muzzle-loading.
* tener que cargar con = be stuck with ; saddle with ; get + stuck with.
* tener que cargar con el peso de = be burdened with.
* tener que cargar con el peso de la tradición = be burdened with + tradition.
* volver a cargar = reload ; recharge.

Castellano-CatalánDownload this dictionary