
Found in thesaurus: leader, supervisor

Babylon English-SpanishDownload this dictionary
adj. primario, mayor, principal, supremo; jefe
s. jefe, capitán, caudillo, el hombre fuerte, jerarca, mandamás, mandatario, persona que tiene mando, superior

English_Spanish by Jaime AguirreDownload this dictionary
s.- jefe | caudillo | capitán | principal | primario | mayor

Glossary of archaeological researchDownload this dictionary
cacique , curaca [Andes] , jefe

INGLESPANISHDownload this dictionary
Chief Executive Officer
Director General, Jefe Ejecutivo
Chief Rabbi
Gran Rabino
Chief of Joint Staff
(USA) jefe del Estado Mayor Conjunto
Chief of Staff
(mil) jefe del Estado Mayor; (pol) jefe de Gabinete
Chief of State
jefe de Estado
Chief of the Central Command
(USA-mil) jefe del Mando Central
Commander in Chief
comandante en jefe
chief clerk
oficial mayor
chief constable
jefe de policía
chief diplomat
jefe diplomático
chief executive
primer mandatario
chief justice
presidente del Tribunal Supremo
presidente de la Corte Suprema
chief magistrate
chief mark
marca/señal principal
chief minister
(India) jefe de gobierno, ministro de estado (jefe de gobierno en los distintos estados de la Unión India)
chief priest
chief qadi
(Islam) gran cadí
chief wife
primera esposa
editor jefe

An English-Spanish Dictionary (Granada University, Spain), 14.4Download this dictionary
(n.) = jefe, director.
Ex: He subsequently served as chief of that Division, chief of the Serial Record Division, Assistant Director for Cataloging of the Processing Department, Director of the Processing Department, and Assistant Librarian of Processing Services.
* assistant chief = subdirector.
* Chief of Staff = jefe del estado mayor.
* chief of state = jefe de estado.
* editor-in-chief = editor jefe.
* police chief = jefe de policía.
* too many chiefs and not enough Indians = muchos jefes y pocos trabajadores.
* tribal chief = jefe de la tribu.

(adj.) = principal.
Ex: This section reviews the chief factors that must be taken into account in selecting an appropriate software package.
* chief commercial officer = director comercial.
* chief constable = jefe de policía.
* chief executive = poder ejecutivo, director ejecutivo, presidente, director general.
* chief executive officer (CEO) = director ejecutivo, presidente, director general.
* chief financial officer = director financiero.
* chief honcho = jefe, mandamás, gerifalte.
* chief information officer (CIO) = jefe de los servicios de información.
* chief justice = presidente de tribunal, presidente del tribunal supremo.
* chief justiceship = jefatura del tribunal supremo.
* chief knowledge officer (CKO) = jefe de los servicios de gestión del conocimiento.
* chief librarian = director, facultativo.
* chief operating officer (COO) = director de operaciones.
* chief source of information = fuente principal de información.