
Found in thesaurus: consumer goods, covering

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s. ropa, atavío, atuendo, indumentaria, indumento, prenda de vestir, ropaje, traje, vestidos, vestidura, vestimenta, vestuario
v. arropar, proveer con ropa; vestir

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loose clothing
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An English-Spanish Dictionary (Granada University, Spain), 14.4Download this dictionary
(n.) = ropa, vestidura.
Ex: Permission has been granted to introduce a system of surveillance licensing for the purpose of monitoring imports of low-priced goods, such as clothing and footwear originating in non-EC countries.
* clothing company = fabricante de ropa, compañía de confección de ropa, compañía de ropa.
* clothing industry = industria del vestir, industria de la confección.
* clothing item = prenda de vestir.
* clothing store = tienda de ropa.
* rend + Posesivo + clothing = desgarrarse las vestiduras.
* revealing clothing = ropa reveladora.
* tattered clothing = andrajos, ropa andrajosa, harapos.
* warm clothing = ropa de abrigo.
* wear + clothing = llevar ropa puesta.
* wolf in sheep's clothing = lobo disfrazado de cordero, impostor, hipócrita, matarlas callando.

(v.) = vestir, revestir, disfrazar.
Ex: The performance is kept fresh each time because the teller is under a tension: he has to find the language in which to clothe the body of the work.