
Found in thesaurus: number

An English-Spanish Dictionary (Granada University, Spain), 14.4Download this dictionary
coordinate1 [co-ordinate]
* coordinate indexing = indización coordinada.
* coordinate relation = relación coordinada.
* coordinate subject = materia coordinada.
* CT (co-ordinate term) = TC (término coordinado).
* post-coordinate = postcoordinado.
* pre-coordinate = precoordinado.
* pre-coordinate index = índice precoordinado.
* pre-coordinate indexing system = sistema de indización precoordinada.
* pre-coordinate system = sistema precoordinado.

coordinate2 [co-ordinate]
(n.) = coordenada.
Ex: In a system devised at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, the cutting tool was guided through a succession of points by feeding their co-ordinates from a punched paper tape.
* coordinate reader = lector de coordenadas.