
Telecommunication Standard TermsDownload this dictionary
1. Information transfer, among users or processes, according to agreed conventions. (188 ) 2. The branch of technology concerned with the representation, transfer, interpretation, and processing of data among persons, places, and machines. Note: The meaning assigned to the data must be preserved during these operations.
command, control and communications (C3)
The capabilities required by commanders to exercise command and control of their forces. [JCS Pub 18, Operations Security , Dec. 1982.]
command, control, communications, and computer systems (C4S)
Integrated systems of doctrine, procedures, organizational structures, personnel, equipment, facilities, and communications designed to support a commander's exercise of command and control , through all phases of the operational continuum. Synonym C4 systems. [JP1 ]
command, control, communications, computers, and intelligence (C4I)
The facilities, computer equipment, communications equipment, display devices, and intelligence systems necessary to support military operations.