conk out

Found in thesaurus: change, jade, pall, weary, tire, fatigue

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conk out

conk out
1. stop operating or functioning; "the engine finally went"; "the car died on the road"; "the bus we travelled in broke down on the way to town"; "the coffee maker broke"; "the engine failed on the way to town"; "her eyesight went after the accident" [syn: fail, go bad, give way, die, give out, go, break, break down ]

2. use up all one's strength and energy and stop working; "at the end of the march, i pooped out" [syn: poop out, peter out , run down, run out]

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conk out
arıza yapmak, (Resmi olmayan) uyuyup kalmak; bozulmak; enerjisi ya da yakıtı bitmek; bayılmak, kendinden geçmek, ölmek

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conk out
(Informal) fall asleep; cease to function; run out of energy or fuel; faint, pass out; die

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conk out
أغمى عليه, (غير رسمي) يسقط نائمًا; توقف عن مهامه; نفذت طاقته أو الوقود لديه; يغمى عليه, يموت, انقضاء الأجل