
Babylon English-SpanishDownload this dictionary
v. transportar, conducir, llevar, transmitir, trasportar; comunicar, dar a conocer; traspasar

English_Spanish by Jaime AguirreDownload this dictionary
v.- comunicar | transmitir | dar a conocer | divulgar | impartir | transportar | conducir | llevar | traspasar | ceder | transferir (propiedades) | arrastrar

An English-Spanish Dictionary (Granada University, Spain), 14.4Download this dictionary
(v.) = transmitir.
Ex: Statistical and other numerical abstracts convey effectively certain types of economic, social and marketing data.
* convey + image = dar una imagen.
* convey + impression = dar la impresiĆ³n.
* convey + information = transmitir informaciĆ³n.
* convey + meaning = transmitir un significado.
* convey + message = transmitir un mensaje.

(v.) = expresar.
Ex: Statements conveying preferential relationships between terms indicate which terms are to be treated as equivalent to one another.