
Found in thesaurus: impression, depression, imprint, opening, gap

Babylon English-SpanishDownload this dictionary
s. hendedura, abertura, boquete, grieta, grieta rocosa, hendidura, hueco, raja, rendija, resquebradura, resquebrajadura, resquicio

English_Spanish by Jaime AguirreDownload this dictionary
hendedura | grieta | fisura | resquicio | boquete | hueco

An English-Spanish Dictionary (Granada University, Spain), 14.4Download this dictionary
(n.) = raja, rajadura, grieta, hendedura, recoveco.
Ex: Rampant commercialism is seeping into every crevice of American culture.
* cracks and crevices = inconsistencias, incoherencias, grietas, rajaduras.

EN-ES GonzaloDownload this dictionary
s.- [Odontol] crévice | surco dentario | fisura --surco de 1-2 mm de profundidad que se encuentra en la unión de la encía con el diente--