cutting off

Found in thesaurus: remotion, removal, shortening

Babylon English-SpanishDownload this dictionary
cutting off
corte, separación; paro, corte
cut off
adj. cortar

English_Spanish by Jaime AguirreDownload this dictionary
cutting off
cierre | desconexión | disociación
cut off
v.- desenfilar | interrumpir (el curso, paso o comunicación) | desconectar | aislar | separar | cortar | cercenar | amputar | desheredar | cesar | suprimir | suspender | apagar | desenchufar | incomunicar | disociar | cerrar
desenfilamiento (iluminación) | desconexión | aislamiento | separación | desconexión | corte | amputación | cese | cierre | suspensión | interrupción (servicios) | apagado | desenchufado | disociación | incomunicado

INGLESPANISHDownload this dictionary
cut off
cortar, talar, cercenar, separar, aislar, cercar, incomunicar, interrumpir, estar aislado, quedarse incomunicado

An English-Spanish Dictionary (Granada University, Spain), 14.4Download this dictionary
cut off
(v.) = aislar de, separar de.
Ex: The question I have regards natural concerns about the computer going down, and the situation that may exist when the library is cut off for an extended period of time from the online catalog.
cut off2
(v.) = cortar.
Ex: The spine folds of the assembled sheets were simply cut off, separating all the leaves, which were then attached to each other and to a backing strip by a coating of rubber solution, and cased in the ordinary way.
cut off4
(v.) = eliminar.
Ex: The only way to solve these problems is either to revise your catalog in its totality or to cut it off.
cut off5
(v.) = separar.
Ex: The stages are not cut off from one another, are not sharply defined.