
Found in thesaurus: challenge, fearlessness

Babylon English-SpanishDownload this dictionary
adj. atrevido, acometedor, acometiente, arremetedor, arriesgado, arriscado, arrojado, audaz, aventurero, decidido, denodado, emprendedor, intrépido, osado, temerario, valiente
s. atrevimiento, arrestos, arriscamiento, arrojo, audacia, bizarría, denuedo, envalentonamiento, osadía, temeridad, valentía
v. atreverse, arriesgarse, aventurarse, osar, tener el valor; desafiar, retar, tirar el guante; ser atrevido, ser audaz

English_Spanish by Jaime AguirreDownload this dictionary
s.- audacia, atrevimiento, denuedo, intrepidez, arrojo, osadía, temeridad -
adj.- audaz, atrevido, denodado, intrépido, osado, arrojado, arriesgado, temerario

SchemmaDownload this dictionary
arrojado; atrevido

An English-Spanish Dictionary (Granada University, Spain), 14.4Download this dictionary
(adj.) = osado, audaz, temerario.
Ex: One wondered, did daring first-year students lose their nerve at the last minute and kneel as evidence that their audacity in approaching this 'holy of holies' was tempered by the proper reverence?.
* ignorance is very daring = ignorancia es muy atrevida, la.

(v.) = atreverse.
Ex: As far as Hernandez could determine, no one dared to approach him with suggestions for needed changes in library policy or procedure or, heaven forbid, in his personal management style.
* dare I say = yo me atrevería a decir.
* dare to + tread = atreverse a tratar.

(v.) = desafiar, retar.
Ex: 'Nah,' Kate chuckled, getting his drift, and then said 'I would've just barged in there and dared them to throw me out!' = "No" se rió Kate, entendiendo lo que él quería decir, y después dijo "!Hubiera irrumpido y les hubiese retado a echarme a la calle!".