
Babylon English-SpanishDownload this dictionary
v. enviar, despachar; eliminar, matar (despachar al otro mundo)
s. envío, despacho; eficiencia

English_Spanish by Jaime AguirreDownload this dictionary
mensaje | comunicado oficial | envío | despacho | prontitud | diligencia

INGLESPANISHDownload this dictionary
customary despatch
despacho acostumbrado
despatch money
premio por despacho adelantado
prontitud, diligencia

An English-Spanish Dictionary (Granada University, Spain), 14.4Download this dictionary
despatch1 [dispatch]
(n.) = envío.
Ex: Every despatch is accompanied by a packing list containing all the details of the despatch = A cada envío se le adjunta un albarán con todos los detalles del mismo.

despatch2 [dispatch]
(v.) = enviar.
Ex: The aim of the project is to refine selection procedures and improve the quality of books despatched to Africa.