
Found in thesaurus: solemnity, gravity, trait

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n. seriousness, sincereness

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1. an earnest and sincere feeling
(synonym) seriousness, sincerity
(hypernym) gravity, solemnity
2. the trait of being serious; "a lack of solemnity is not necessarily a lack of seriousness"- Robert Rice
(synonym) seriousness, serious-mindedness, sincerity
(hypernym) trait
(hyponym) committedness, commitment
(attribute) serious

Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)Download this dictionary
The state or quality of being earnest; intentness; anxiety.

Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913), edited by Noah Porter. About
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Synonyms and related words:
abandon, absorption, advertence, advertency, alertness, ardency, ardor, assiduity, assiduousness, attention, attention span, attentiveness, awareness, care, commitment, committedness, concentration, consciousness, consideration, decidedness, decision, decisiveness, decorousness, dedication, definiteness, deliberation, demureness, determinateness, determination, determinedness, devotedness, devotion, devoutness, diligence, doggedness, ear, earnest, engrossment, faith, faithfulness, fervency, fervidness, fervor, fidelity, fire, firmness, formality, gravity, grimness, heartiness, heat, heatedness, heed, heedfulness, impassionedness, intensity, intentiveness, intentness, long face, loyalty, mindfulness, note, notice, observance, observation, obstinacy, passion, passionateness, perseverance, persistence, purpose, purposefulness, regard, regardfulness, relentlessness, remark, resoluteness, resolution, resolve, resolvedness, respect, sedateness, self-will, seriousness, sincerity, single-mindedness, sober-mindedness, soberness, sobersidedness, sobersides, sobriety, solemnity, solemnness, somberness, spirit, staidness, straight face, tenacity, thought, thoughtfulness, total commitment, vehemence, warmth, weightiness, will, zeal,

Source: Moby Thesaurus, which is part of the Moby Project created by Grady Ward. In 1996 Grady Ward placed this thesaurus in the public domain.