
Found in thesaurus: imperfectness, imperfection, failure

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prep. en falta
s. falla, defecto, falta
adj. desfalleciente, endeble
v. fallar, fracasar, funcionar mal, irse a bombo, llevarse calabazas, quedar mal, salir mal; decepcionar, quedar mal con; errar, caer en bancarrota

English_Spanish by Jaime AguirreDownload this dictionary
s.- fracaso
adj.- desfalleciente | endeble
v.- adolecer | fallar | fracasar | decepcionar | dejar de

INGLESPANISHDownload this dictionary
fail to meet
no satisfacer, no cumplir, incumplir
perdurable, firme, inalterable, invariable

An English-Spanish Dictionary (Granada University, Spain), 14.4Download this dictionary
(v.) = fracasar, fallar.
Ex: This article suggests the steps that libraries might take during periods of instability to reduce their chances of being injured by a vendor that fails.
* fail + dismally = fracasar miserablemente, fracasar de manera lamentable.
* fail + miserably = fracasar miserablemente, fracasar de manera lamentable.
* fail out of = fracasar por, fracasar debido a.
* fail + Posesivo + duty = descuidar las obligaciones de uno.
* fail-safe = infalible, a prueba de fallos.
* fail to + Infinitivo = no + Indicativo.
* if (my) memory doesn't fail me = si no me falla la memoria.
* light + fail = desvanecerse la luz, anochecer, atardecer.
* without fail = sin falta, sin fallar, sin excepción, mecánicamente, automáticamente.

(v.) = decepcionar.
Ex: Thus our catalogs have largely failed our readers in the important function of revealing what editions and translations of a particular work the library had.

(v.) = suspender.
Ex: These courses give the student who has failed a second chance to make new start.
* fail grade = suspenso.

(n.) = fallo, defecto, falta, deficiencia.
Ex: No supervisor should be a tiresome nag, but the achievements and failings of a persons's performance deserves mention in a constructive way at timely, regular intervals.
* failing eyesight = empeoramiento de la vista.

(adj.) = defectuoso, abocado al fracaso.
Ex: Rejuvenation of listless, stagnant, or failing library operations is possible through renewal methods dependent on strengthening the communication function.
* failing that/these = de lo contrario, en su defecto, si eso no es posible, si no fuese/fuera posible.
* failing which = de lo contrario, en su defecto, si no es posible, si no fuese/fuera posible.
* unfailing = infalible, constante, inagotable, inquebrantable, indefectible.