
Found in thesaurus: travel, change of location

Babylon English-SpanishDownload this dictionary
adj. fluente, afluente, corriente, fluido, fluyente, manante, que fluye, que mana
v. fluir, afluir, correr, descargar, desembocar, discurrir, manar

English_Spanish by Jaime AguirreDownload this dictionary
v.- fluir | pasar | circular | correr | circular
s.- flujo | aflujo | fluencia | paso | circulación | curso | movimiento | fluidez | caudal | corriente

INGLESPANISHDownload this dictionary
fluidez, flujo; circulación

TOTFinder Perfuração Offshore e NavalDownload this dictionary
FLUXO INTERMITENTE - É a condição em que o poço flui intermitentemente ao invés de continuamente.

An English-Spanish Dictionary (Granada University, Spain), 14.4Download this dictionary
(v.) = fluir, correr, emanar, discurrir.
Ex: At this disclosure, a flush flowed from Leforte's cheeks to her neck.
* ebb and flow = fluctuar.
* flow + back and forth = circular de uno a otro.
* flow from = emanar de, derivarse de, obtenerse de.
* flow into = desembocar en, desaguar en, verter en, entrar en.

(adj.) = fluido.
Ex: He raised tympan and frisket in one flowing movement, lifted the new-printed sheet off the points, and laid it on the horse at the end of the unprinted heap; then turned immediately to laying on the next sheet = Levantaba el tímpano y la frasqueta con un movimiento fluido, sacaba de las punturas el pliego recién impreso y lo colocaba en el banco a un lado de la pila de pliegos no impresos; a continuación procedía a colocar rápidamente el siguiente pliego.
* flowing back = entrada de vuelta.
* free-flowing = libre, abierto, sin restricciones.

(adj.) = en caída, ondulante, con vuelo.
Ex: With his flowing white mane, lanky agility and subdued charisma, he was an unflappably aristocratic seducer.