
Found in thesaurus: accomplishment, achievement

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v. librar, independizar, liberar, libertar, poner en libertad; emitir, despedir, desbloquear, franquear, librar de obstáculos; rescatar, emancipar; excarcelar; liberalizar

English_Spanish by Jaime AguirreDownload this dictionary
v.- excarcelar | sobreseer | liberar | emancipar | indultar | soltar | poner en libertad | rescatar | eximir | dispensar | desenganchar | desamarrar | desbloquear | desatascar | destapar | destupir | desenredar | desenmarañar | desembrollar -
adj.- gratuito | gratis | regalado | sin cobro | irrestricto | libre | exento | exento de gravámenes | libre de - sin

An English-Spanish Dictionary (Granada University, Spain), 14.4Download this dictionary
(v.) = liberar, librar, libertar.
Ex: Habitualized actions, they further suggest, become embedded in human behavior and free the individual from the burden of repetitive decision-making.
* free + a hostage = liberar a un rehén.
* free + a prisoner = liberar a un preso.
* free up + resources = liberar recursos.
* free up + time = liberar tiempo, ganar tiempo, dejar tiempo, dejar tiempo libre.