
Babylon EnglishDownload this dictionary
v. gratify, satisfy; execute, realize, bring into being, make a reality; accomplish; complete (also fulfil)

WordNet 2.0Download this dictionary

1. put in effect; "carry out a task"; "execute the decision of the people"; "He actioned the operation"
(synonym) carry through, accomplish, execute, carry out, action, fulfil
(hypernym) complete, finish
(hyponym) get over
(verb-group) follow through, follow up, follow out, carry out, implement, put through, go through
(derivation) fulfillment, fulfilment
2. fulfil the requirements or expectations of
(synonym) satisfy, fulfil, live up to
(hypernym) meet, fit, conform to
(hyponym) suffice, do, answer, serve
(derivation) fulfillment, fulfilment
3. fill or meet a want or need
(synonym) meet, satisfy, fill, fulfil
(hypernym) provide, supply, ply, cater
(hyponym) answer
(derivation) fulfillment, fulfilment

Babylon English-CzechDownload this dictionary
v. splnit (si); naplnit; uspokojit; plnit

Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)Download this dictionary
(v. t.)
To fill up; to make full or complete.
(v. t.)
To accomplish or carry into effect, as an intention, promise, or prophecy, a desire, prayer, or requirement, etc.; to complete by performance; to answer the requisitions of; to bring to pass, as a purpose or design; to effectuate.

Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913), edited by Noah Porter. About
Moby ThesaurusDownload this dictionary
Synonyms and related words:
abide by, accomplish, achieve, act up to, adhere to, administer, answer, attain, attend to, avail, be equal to, be faithful to, bear, bring off, bring to completion, bring to fruition, carry into effect, carry into execution, carry off, carry out, carry through, come through, compass, complete, comply with, conform to, consummate, deal with, discharge, dispatch, dispose of, do, do it, do justice to, do the job, do the trick, effect, effectuate, eke out, enact, enforce, execute, fetch, fill, fill in, fill out, fill the bill, follow, get by, get through, go around, go through, hack it, heed, hold, hold by, honor, implement, just do, keep, keep faith with, knock off, live up to, make, make good, make out, make the grade, make up, manage, mature, meet, meet requirements, observe, pass, pass muster, perform, piece out, polish off, produce, promulgate, prosecute, put away, put in force, put in practice, put into effect, put into practice, put through, qualify, reach, realize, refill, regard, render, replenish, respect, round out, satisfy, serve, serve the purpose, stand, stand up, stretch, succeed, suffice, take care of, take it, top off, transact, translate into action, turn the trick, work, work out

Source: Moby Thesaurus, which is part of the Moby Project created by Grady Ward. In 1996 Grady Ward placed this thesaurus in the public domain.