hand over

Found in thesaurus: turn over, hand, reach, pass on, give, pass

Babylon English-SpanishDownload this dictionary
hand over
v. Entregar, Ceder el puesto

English_Spanish by Jaime AguirreDownload this dictionary
hand over
v.- entregar | transferir | ceder | extraditar
s.- entrega | transferencia | cesión | extradición

INGLESPANISHDownload this dictionary
hand over
1 [baton, money] entregar.
2 [responsibility, power] ceder.
<verbo intransitivo>
1 to hand over (to) dar paso (a).

An English-Spanish Dictionary (Granada University, Spain), 14.4Download this dictionary
hand over
(v.) = dar, entregar, devolver, transferir, ceder.
Ex: Eventually, teachers should be able to 'hand the chalk over to the students' and take a back seat.
hand6 (over)
(v.) = distribuir, pasar, dar en mano.
Ex: Eventually, teachers should be able to 'hand the chalk over to the students' and take a back seat.
* hand + a reprimand = amonestar.
* hand down = pasar, transmitir, legar, imponer.
* hand down + decisions = dictar órdenes.
* hand down + sentence = dictar sentencia, pronunciar sentencia.
* hand in = entregar.
* hand on = pasar, legar.
* hand out = repartir, entregar, distribuir.
* hand out + (for) free = repartir gratis, distribuir gratis.
* hand out + information = difundir información.
* hand over = dar, entregar, devolver, transferir, ceder.
* hand over + the gavel = pasar el bastón de mando, pasar la antorcha, tomar el relevo, pasar el testigo.
* hand over + the reins of power = ceder las riendas del poder.
* hand over + the torch = pasar la antorcha, tomar el relevo, pasar el testigo.
* hand + the reins over to = pasar el relevo a, pasar las riendas del poder a.
* have to hand it to + Nombre = tener + que felicitar a Alguien, haber + que reconocer que, tener + que quitarse el sombrero.

handover [hand-over]
(n.) = entrega, cesión, paso, traspaso, transferencia.
Ex: The author assesses the prospects of Hong Kong after the handover of the colony to China in 1997 when it will once again be competing with Shanghai as the publishing hub of the Orient.