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s. ocultamiento, ocultación; escondite, zambuco; encubrimiento, cobertura, tapamiento; disimulación, disimulo
v. esconderse, encubrirse, ocultarse, parapetarse, solaparse; bloquear la visión de, camuflar, disfrazar, disimular, poner un velo sobre, recatar, distorsionar
v. esconder, esconderse, ocultar, ocultarse

English_Spanish by Jaime AguirreDownload this dictionary
ocultamiento | ocultación
v.- esconderse | disimular | encubrir | enmascarar | camuflar | disfrazar | ocultar

An English-Spanish Dictionary (Granada University, Spain), 14.4Download this dictionary
(n.) = escondite, escondrijo.
Ex: He is hounded by hired assassins and eventually flushed out of hiding for a final confrontation with his nemesis.
* come out of + hiding = salir del escondite.
* go into + hiding = esconderse, ocultarse, darse a la fuga, desaparecer, sumergirse en la clandestinidad, pasar a la clandestinidad, actuar en la clandestinidad.
* hiding hole = escondite, escondrijo, zulo.
* hiding spot = escondite.

(v.) = ocultar, esconder.
Ex: These complications were not hidden or implicit; they were clearly set out at the beginning of the volume under 'Rules for the Compilation of the Catalog'.
* hide behind = ocultarse detrás de, esconderse detrás de.
* hide from + the light = esconderse de la luz, rehuir la luz.
* hide from + view = ocultar a la vista, tapar, ocultar, quedar oculto, impedir ver, no dejar ver.
* hide + Nombre + from view = ocultar de la vista, esconder de la vista, apartar de la vista, no dejar ver.
* hide out = ocultar, esconder.
* hide + Posesivo + intentions = ocultar + Posesivo + intenciones, esconder + Posesivo + intentions.
* hide + Posesivo + light under a bushel = ser modesto, ser humilde.