hold in

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hold in

1. close in or confine
(synonym) enclose, confine
(hypernym) hold, bear, carry, contain
(hyponym) bound, border
2. lessen the intensity of; temper; hold in restraint; hold or keep within limits; "moderate your alcohol intake"; "hold your tongue"; "hold your temper"; "control your anger"
(synonym) control, hold, contain, check, curb, moderate
(hypernym) restrain, suppress, keep, keep back, hold back
(hyponym) restrict, restrain, trammel, limit, bound, confine, throttle
3. hold back; keep from being perceived by others; "She conceals her anger well"
(synonym) conceal, hold back
(hyponym) occult

English - Thai, Dictionary of CherngXDownload this dictionary
hold in
phrv. ควบคุม, บังคับ (syn. hold back, keep back, keep down, keep in)

English To Urdu LughatDownload this dictionary
hold in
Eng: hold in
Urdu: جانچنا ۔ قابو میں رکھنا ۔ پابند کرنا ۔ سختی کرنا ۔ دبانا ۔