
Babylon EnglishDownload this dictionary
v. create a mental image which does not literally exist, fantasize, visualize; think, suppose, assume; guess

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To imagine means to form new images and sensations that are not perceived through the five physical senses. This usage refers to the imagination.

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Imagine (TV series)
Imagine is a wide ranging arts series first broadcast on BBC One in 2003, hosted and executive produced by Alan Yentob. Each series usually consists of 4 to 7 episodes, each on a different topic. Episodes have been directed by, among others, Geoff Wonfor, Lucy Blakstead, Roger Parsons and Zoë Silver.

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WordNet 2.0Download this dictionary

1. form a mental image of something that is not present or that is not the case; "Can you conceive of him as the president?"
(synonym) conceive of, ideate, envisage
(hypernym) create by mental act, create mentally
(hyponym) visualize, visualise, envision, project, fancy, see, figure, picture, image
(derivation) imagination, imaging, imagery, mental imagery
2. expect, believe, or suppose; "I imagine she earned a lot of money with her new novel"; "I thought to find her in a bad state"; "he didn't think to find her in the kitchen"; "I guess she is angry at me for standing her up"
(synonym) think, opine, suppose, reckon, guess
(hypernym) expect, anticipate
(hyponym) suspect

Babylon French-EnglishDownload this dictionary
adj. conceived, imagined, visualized
v. imagine, make believe, think, dream up; conceive, image, suppose; devise, reckon

Babylon Spanish-EnglishDownload this dictionary
v. imagine, create a mental image which does not literally exist, fantasize, visualize; think, suppose, assume; guess; suspect