
Found in thesaurus: touch on, refer, let in, take, demand, ask, enfold, wrap, absorb, elaborate, refine

Babylon English-SpanishDownload this dictionary
v. involucrar, competer a, comportar, concernir, implicar

English_Spanish by Jaime AguirreDownload this dictionary
v.- requerir | suponer | participar | implicar | formar parte | hacer participar | hacer partícipe | involucrar | incriminar | necesitar | asociar | incorporar | meterse en | tomar parte | tener que ver con | estar relacionado | incluir | dedicarse a | realizar | conllevar | llevar consigo

INGLESPANISHDownload this dictionary
v. envolver, enrollar, enredar; implicar, ocupar, concernir, afectar, relacionar, conectar, involucrar, complicar, comprometer; oscurecer; comprender; incluir; suponer

An English-Spanish Dictionary (Granada University, Spain), 14.4Download this dictionary
(v.) = participar, tomar parte, implicarse, involucrarse, realizar, participar activamente, participar de forma activa.
Ex: It recommends the establishment of a centralised Chinese collection by a joint venture involving a charitable trust.

(v.) = suponer, requerir, necesitar, conllevar, implicar.
Ex: Generating author indexes or catalogues involves creating headings from author's names, that is the names of persons or organisations.
* involve + a lot of work = suponer mucho trabajo, implicar mucho trabajo, significar mucho trabajo.

EN-ES GonzaloDownload this dictionary
v.- [Med] afectar a --Diorki-- | conllevar --Diorki-- | implicar --Diorki-- | abarcar