
Babylon English-SpanishDownload this dictionary
v. mantener, albergar, conservar, sostener, sustentar, tener en pie; alegar, aducir, asegurar, aseverar, defender

English_Spanish by Jaime AguirreDownload this dictionary
v.- mantener | conservar | sostener | sustentar | nutrir | alimentar | cultivar | defender | cuidar | amparar | sostener | asegurar | resistir | aguantar | perseverar

An English-Spanish Dictionary (Granada University, Spain), 14.4Download this dictionary
(v.) = mantener.
Ex: Expressiveness can be difficult to maintain as new subjects are added.
* actively maintained = vigente, actualizado.
* maintain + a balance = mantener un equilibrio.
* maintain + a high profile = ser muy importante, realizar una labor muy importante.
* maintain + a safe distance = mantener una distancia prudente, guardar una distancia prudente.
* maintain + a semblance of = mantener una apariencia de.
* maintain + consistency = mantener la coherencia.
* maintain + contact = mantener contacto, mantener relaciones.
* maintain + continuity = mantener la continuidad, seguir con, continuar con.
* maintain + cooperation = mantener cooperación.
* maintain + discipline = mantener la disciplina.
* maintain + momentum = mantener el ímpetu, mantener vivo, seguir con, continuar con.
* maintain + public order = mantener el orden público.
* maintain + relations = mantener relaciones.
* maintain + relationships = mantener relaciones.
* maintain + vigil = observar atentamente y durante cierto tiempo.

(v.) = mantener, afirmar, defender, sostener.
Ex: They maintain, in an article written for Library Resources and Technical Services (LRTS) 'that automated cataloging systems have addressed only half of the problems of maintaining a library catalog'.