
Babylon English-SpanishDownload this dictionary
v. hacer maniobras
s. maniobra

English_Spanish by Jaime AguirreDownload this dictionary
v.- maniobrar
s.- maniobra

Français-EspañolDownload this dictionary
manejo, maniobra, tejemaneje, operación; obrero, trabajador, bracero, peón

An English-Spanish Dictionary (Granada University, Spain), 14.4Download this dictionary
maneuver1 [manoeuvre, -UK]
(n.) = maniobra.
Ex: Manoeuvres that have been used, as the the percipient observer well knows, include simplifications and routines to save time.
* accomplish + manoeuver = lograr realizar una maniobra.
* freedom for manoeuvre = libertad de maniobra.

maneuver2 [manoeuvre, -UK]
(v.) = maniobrar, valérselas.
Ex: Reference librarians must be able to maneuver effectively within the conventions used in the different catalogs.

manoeuvre1 [maneuver, -USA]
(n.) = maniobra.
Ex: Manoeuvres that have been used, as the the percipient observer well knows, include simplifications and routines to save time.
* accomplish + manoeuvre = lograr realizar una maniobra.
* freedom for manoeuvre = libertad de maniobra.
* margin of/for manoeuvre = margen de maniobra.
* military manoeuvre = maniobra militar.
* room for manoeuvre = margen de maniobra, libertad de maniobra.

manoeuvre2 [maneuver, -USA]
(v.) = maniobrar, valérselas.
Ex: Reference librarians must be able to maneuver effectively within the conventions used in the different catalogs.
* outmanoeuvre [outmaneuver, -USA] = ganarle la partida a Alguien, ganarle la vez a Alguien.