
Babylon English-SpanishDownload this dictionary
v. alcanzar a, adelantarse a, dar alcance a, sobrepasar

English_Spanish by Jaime AguirreDownload this dictionary
v.- dar alcance | aventajar | superar | soprepasar | acaparar | dominar | sustituir

Técnico automotrizDownload this dictionary
Overtake (v)
adelantar a un vehículo

An English-Spanish Dictionary (Granada University, Spain), 14.4Download this dictionary
(v.) = superar, sustituir, anular.

Def: Verbo irregular: pasado overtook, participio overtaken.
Ex: Why have card-based systems been overtaken by computer databases?.

(v.) = acaparar, dominar.

Def: Verbo irregular: pasado overtook, participio overtaken.
Ex: E-Books, while a curiosity and a lot of fun, do not seem to be overtaking the mass market.

(v.) = adelantar.
Ex: A 66-year-old male motorcyclist died yesterday after overtaking a row of vehicles and colliding with a car.
* overtake on + the left = adelantar por la izquierda.
* overtake on + the left side = adelantar por el lado izquierdo.
* overtake on + the right = adelantar por la derecha.
* overtake on + the right side = adelantar por el lado derecho.