
Found in thesaurus: verbal creation

Babylon English-SpanishDownload this dictionary
v. encerrar en aprisco o redil
v. escribir

English_Spanish by Jaime AguirreDownload this dictionary
autoría | escritura | redacción | composición | creación | produción
v.- crear | escribir | redactar | ser el autor | componer | producir | acorralar | enjaular | acorralar | poner en el corral -
s.- aprisco | encierro | redil | corral | corraliza | celda | gallinero | chiquero | criadero | jaulón | pocilga | bolígrafo | lapicero | esfero | tiralíneas | pluma

INGLESPANISHDownload this dictionary
1 [ballpoint] bolígrafo, lápiz, lapicero
[fountain -] pluma; [felt-tip] rotulador
2 [enclosure] redil, corral, cárcel
<verbo transitivo>
1 literary [write] escribir, pergueñar
2 [enclose] encerrar, acorralar

An English-Spanish Dictionary (Granada University, Spain), 14.4Download this dictionary
(v.) = escribir, componer.
Ex: His career in composition produced some of the most idiomatic and popular short violin pieces ever penned.

(v.) = encerrar.

Def: Generalmente referido a animales en un redil o corral.
Ex: There's also goats, but I don't think they're penned anywhere -- they seem to have the run of the place as much as the chickens.

Lexin Svensk-Spanskt LexikonDownload this dictionary
[²p'en:ing] subst.
mynt, peng (utom i sms något ålderdomligt; i sms även "bidrag, lön")
penning|böter -na multa
penning|lott -en billete de lotería
penning|värde valor en dinero
föräldrapenning subsidio por maternidad o paternidad

(c) 2007 Language Council of Sweden (Språkrådet)