
Babylon English-SpanishDownload this dictionary
adj. polaco, polonés
s. polaco, lengua indoeuropea hablada en Polonia
s. brillo, bruñido, lustre, pulidez, pulimento; cera, betún, líquido de bruñir; cultura, refinamiento
v. pulir, abetunar, abrillantar, acicalar, atezar, betunear, bolear, bruñir, dar brillo a, embetunar, encerar, esmerar, lujar, lustrar, pulimentar, refinar

Términos AeronáuticosDownload this dictionary
Lustrar. Dar lustre.

English_Spanish by Jaime AguirreDownload this dictionary
v.- pulir | brillar | lustrar | encerar | sacar brillo | embolar | embetunar | bruñir | abrillantar
s.- polaco | esmalte | esmero | filigrana
adj.- polonés

INGLESPANISHDownload this dictionary
Polish style
a la polaca ( espolvoreado con huevos duros picados, perejil y pan rallado)
dorar la píldora
spit and polish
acicaladura, atavío, compostura

An English-Spanish Dictionary (Granada University, Spain), 14.4Download this dictionary
(adj.) = polaco.
Ex: Throughout the last decade traditional card catalogues in Polish libraries have been more and more often replaced by on-line catalogues accessible to users.
* all-Polish = totalmente polaco.
* Polish language = polaco.

(n.) = esmalte, barniz, abrillantador.
Ex: Oils extracted from these dried seeds are used for the preparation of resin, oil paints, polish, wood varnish and skin cream.
* fingernail polish = esmalte de uñas.
* fingernail polish remover = quitaesmalte.
* floor polish = abrillantador de suelos, abrillantador para el suelo.
* furniture polish = abrillantador de muebles, abrillantador para muebles.
* nail polish = esmalte de uñas.
* nail polish remover = quitaesmalte.

(v.) = pulir, sacar brillo.
Ex: Some will produce a manuscript draft and work on and polish that; others will dictate their material and get a first typewritten draft to work on.
* polish + Nombre + off = despacharse, cepillarse, zamparse, merendarse, ventilarse, liquidarse, vapulear, machacar, rematar.
* polish + Posesivo + knob = chuparle la polla a Alguien.
* polish + Nombre + up = pulir, mejorar, perfeccionar.