
Babylon English-SpanishDownload this dictionary
s. mezcla de flores secas; popurrí, potpurrí

English_Spanish by Jaime AguirreDownload this dictionary
potpourri | ambientador floral | mezcla perfumada | combinación | variedad | surtido misceláneo

An English-Spanish Dictionary (Granada University, Spain), 14.4Download this dictionary
(n.) = popurrí, mezcla.
Ex: This center holds one of the most significant collections (dare we call it potpourri?) of science, natural history, art, history, and culture in the world = Este centre posee uno de las colecciones (¿o quizás popurrí?) más significativas de la ciencia, historia natural, arte, historia y cultura del mundo.
* a potpourri of = un popurrí de.

(n.) = ambientador de flores y hojas secas.
Ex: A good reference librarian should be able to answer questions such as 'How can my daughter train to be a hairdresser?', 'Do cars or pedestrians have the right of way at a filling-station entrance?', 'Where can I find out just how to make a potpourri?'.