
Babylon English-SpanishDownload this dictionary
v. preservar, conservar, resguardar; guardar en preserva, enlatar
s. conserva, compota, confitura; vedado, coto, coto de caza, terreno acotado

English_Spanish by Jaime AguirreDownload this dictionary
v.- guardar, conservar, resguardar, preservar, enlatar, mantener
s.- compota, confitura, conserva - vedado, terreno delimitado, reserva, coto

INGLESPANISHDownload this dictionary
(jam, jelly) confitura, mermelada;
(fruit in syrup) conserva

An English-Spanish Dictionary (Granada University, Spain), 14.4Download this dictionary
(n.) = dominio, coto vedado, reserva.
Ex: This article discusses the role of the librarian, who may view on-line as either status-enhancing or their own preserve.
* nature preserve = reserva natural.
* wildlife preserve = reserva de animales, reserva natural, parque natural.

(n.) = confitura, conserva.
Ex: Information is provided on the use of catnip for salads, making tea, sauces and preserves, as well as other culinary recipes.
* fruit preserve = conserva de fruta.
* vegetable preserve = conserva de verdura.

(v.) = conservar, mantener, preservar.
Ex: The concepts are organised into facets, and the facets are arranged and applied in such a way that the general to special order is preserved.
* preserve + appearance = guardar las apariencias.
* preserve + material = preservar material.