
Found in thesaurus: income, financial gain

Babylon English-SpanishDownload this dictionary
v. beneficiarse, obtener frutos, sacar ventaja, tomar ventaja, usufructuar
s. ganancia, beneficio, dividendo, granjería, lucro, partido, pro, renta, usufructo, utilidad; provecho, plusvalía

English_Spanish by Jaime AguirreDownload this dictionary
beneficios | untilidades | ganancias
v.- obtener ganancias | obtener utilidades | lucrar | usufructuar | beneficiarse
s.- renta | rédito | lucro | ganancia | utilidad | dividendo | beneficio | lucro | usufructo | agio | provecho | producto

INGLESPANISHDownload this dictionary
after-tax profit
beneficios después de deducir impuestos
nominal profit
beneficio nominal

Català-CastellàDownload this dictionary

An English-Spanish Dictionary (Granada University, Spain), 14.4Download this dictionary
(n.) = beneficio, ganancia, lucro.
Ex: As the quantity increased the printer's capital investment, which was always alarmingly high, rose with it, and his profit as a percentage of investment fell.
* annual profit = beneficio anual, ganancia anual.
* cut + profit = reducir los beneficios.
* for profit = comercial, para obtener beneficio, para beneficiarse económicamente.
* gross profit = ingresos brutos, ganancia bruta.
* make + profit = obtener beneficios, salir ganando, obtener beneficios.
* net profit = beneficio neto.
* net trading profit = beneficio neto.
* non-profit [nonprofit] = no lucrativo, sin fines lucrativos, sin ánimo de lucro.
* non-profit making = no comercial, no lucrativo, sin fines lucrativos, sin ánimo de lucro.
* non-profit sector, the = sector no comercial, el.
* not-for-profit = sin ánimo de lucro.
* not-for-profit sector, the = sector no comercial, el.
* profit-generating = generador de ingresos, comercial, con fines lucrativos.
* profit maker = comerciante.
* profit-making = generador de ingresos, comercial, con fines lucrativos.
* profit margin = margen de ganancia, margen de beneficio, ganancia, beneficio.
* profit motive = ánimo de lucro, interés por ganar dinero.
* profit-orientated = comercial, con fines lucrativos.
* profit-oriented = comercial, con fines lucrativos.
* profit-oriented sector, the = sector comercial, el.
* profit-related = comercial, lucrativo.
* profit sector, the = sector privado, el; sector comercial, el.
* profit(s) tax = impuesto sobre las ganancias.
* turn + a profit = ser rentable.
* with profit = con provecho.

(v.) = beneficiarse, aprovecharse.
Ex: In what respects can a student profit from a knowledge of abstracts and by developing abstracting skills?.