
Babylon English-SpanishDownload this dictionary
v. promover, ascender, auspiciar, estimular, fomentar, impulsar, promocionar, subir de puesto; hacer campaña publicitaria de

English_Spanish by Jaime AguirreDownload this dictionary
v.- ascender | promocionar | promover | estimular | fomentar | auspiciar | propiciar | concitar | favorecer | defender (causas)

INGLESPANISHDownload this dictionary
favorecer, facilitar, promocionar, ascender, promover

Maintenance & QualityDownload this dictionary

An English-Spanish Dictionary (Granada University, Spain), 14.4Download this dictionary
(v.) = promocionar, promover, fomentar, propiciar, divulgar, propugnar.
Ex: Initially, it is necessary that the scheme be published and available for purchase, and that its use is generally promoted.
* promote + cause = defender una causa.
* promote + climate = propiciar un clima, crear un clima.
* promote + idea = promover una idea.
* promote + interest = promover un interés.
* promote + reading = fomentar la lectura, promover la lectura.
* promote + Reflexivo = promocionarse.
* promote + view = promover un punto de vista.
* self-promote = autopromoverse, promoverse a Uno mismo.

(v.) = ascender.
Ex: He was a descriptive cataloger at Princeton and was promoted to Acting Head Cataloger, and subsequently Head Cataloger at Princeton, the position he left before assuming his present duties at LC.