put away

Babylon EnglishDownload this dictionary
put away
put (something) where it belongs; imprison; kill

WordNet 2.0Download this dictionary
put away

1. place in a place where something cannot be removed or someone cannot escape; "The parents locked her daughter up for the weekend"; "She locked her jewels in the safe"
(synonym) lock in, lock away, lock, shut up, shut away, lock up
(hypernym) confine
2. throw or cast away; "Put away your worries"
(synonym) discard, fling, toss, toss out, toss away, chuck out, cast aside, dispose, throw out, cast out, throw away, cast away
(hypernym) get rid of, remove
(hyponym) unlearn
3. lock up or confine, in or as in a jail; "The suspects were imprisoned without trial"; "the murderer was incarcerated for the rest of his life"
(synonym) imprison, incarcerate, lag, immure, put behind bars, jail, jug, gaol, remand
(hypernym) confine, detain
(classification) law, jurisprudence
4. kill gently, as with an injection; "the cat was very ill and we had to put it to sleep"
(synonym) put to sleep
(hypernym) kill
5. eat up; usually refers to a considerable quantity of food; "My son tucked in a whole pizza"
(synonym) tuck in, tuck away
(hypernym) eat up, finish, polish off
(entail) eat
6. turn away from and put aside, perhaps temporarily; "She turned away from her painting"
(hypernym) interrupt, disrupt, break up, cut off

Campbell R. Harvey's Hypertextual Finance GlossaryDownload this dictionary
Put away
Used in the context of general equities. Buy interest.
ENGLISH IDIOMS 2.EDITIONDownload this dictionary
put away
put an animal to death, kill We had to have our dog put away because he tried to bite the small girl next door.

Moby ThesaurusDownload this dictionary
put away
Synonyms and related words:
accomplish, achieve, annihilate, assassinate, attain, bank, bereave of life, bosom, bottle up, bump off, bundle away, bury, cache, carry away, carry off, chloroform, coffer, compass, consume, consummate, cool, cut down, cut off, deal with, delay, deposit, deprive of life, destroy, devour, discharge, dismiss, dispatch, dispose of, divorce, do, do away with, do for, do in, do the job, do the trick, do to death, down, dust off, eat up, effect, effectuate, embosom, enact, end, entomb, execute, exterminate, fetch, file, file and forget, finish, finish off, fulfill, get away with, get down, grant a divorce, grant an annulment, hide away, hutch, immolate, ingest, inhume, inter, keep hidden, keep secret, kill, knock off, launch into eternity, lay aside, lay away, lay by, lay down, lay in, lay in store, lay low, liquidate, lock up, lodge, lynch, make, make away with, manage, martyr, martyrize, obtain a divorce, pack away, part, perform, pigeonhole, plant, poison, polish off, postpone, produce, punish, purge, push aside, put aside, put asunder, put down, put in mothballs, put to death, put to sleep, realize, remove from life, reposit, reservoir, sacrifice, salt away, salt down, scrag, seal up, secrete, separate, sepulcher, sepulture, set aside, set by, shelve, shift, sideline, slay, split up, starve, stash, store, store away, stow, stow away, stow down, succeed, sue for divorce, surround, swallow, swill, table, table the motion, take care of, take down, take in, take life, take off, tomb, tuck in, turn the trick, unmarry, untie the knot, warehouse, work, work out

Source: Moby Thesaurus, which is part of the Moby Project created by Grady Ward. In 1996 Grady Ward placed this thesaurus in the public domain.