
Babylon English-SpanishDownload this dictionary
v. rechazar, denegar, desaprobar, desechar, no aceptar, recusar, renegar de, repeler, reprobar, repulsar; descalificar, volver la espalda a

English_Spanish by Jaime AguirreDownload this dictionary
v.- rechazar | desestimar | negar | inadmitir
s.- desecho | despojo
adj.- marginado | defectuoso | imperfecto | deficiente

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Rechazar, rehusar, desechar, descartar

An English-Spanish Dictionary (Granada University, Spain), 14.4Download this dictionary
(n.) = persona rechazada.
Ex: She and countless other 'rejects' from these talent shows may not have the unique qualities in their voices that many music fans seek.

(n.) = artículo defectuoso, producto defectuoso.
Ex: They can hold prices down by short-circuiting the wholesalers and buying rejects and unsold merchandise.
* reject shop = tienda de artículos defectuosos.

(v.) = rechazar, denegar.
Ex: Any reliance on principles alone is rejected, and an attempt is made to codify experience.
* reject + a hypothesis = rechazar una hipótesis.
* reject + Nombre + out of hand = rechazar a Alguien sin más (explicaciones).