
Found in thesaurus: speech act

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v. revelar, dar a conocer, dejar traslucir, dejar ver, descubrir, desvelizar, divulgar, externar, manifestar, poner al descubierto, poner de manifiesto, reflejar, sacar a la luz, sacar a luz

English_Spanish by Jaime AguirreDownload this dictionary
revelador | provocativo
v.- revelar | desenmascarar | dar a conocer | descubrir | poner al descubierto | divulgar | sacar a la luz | exteriorizar

An English-Spanish Dictionary (Granada University, Spain), 14.4Download this dictionary
(adj.) = revelador.
Ex: This catalog would then present a much more revealing, helpful, and responsive picture to the actual needs of the library user than the finding catalog.
* revealing clothing = ropa reveladora.

(v.) = revelar, mostrar, acusar, poner de manifesto, poner de relieve.
Ex: A study of the major general schemes reveals a wide gulf between theory, as outlined in the previous chapter, and practice, as reflected in the major schemes.
* reveal + Posesivo + true colours = mostrarse como Uno realmente es.
* reveal + secrets = revelar un secreto.
* reveal + the truth = revelar la verdad.