run off

Babylon English-SpanishDownload this dictionary
run off
escapar; imprimir; hacer correr; hacer una nueva carrera (para fijar el campeón); desterrar, despedir; carrera decisiva
ran off
escapó, agarró las piernas

English_Spanish by Jaime AguirreDownload this dictionary
run off
v.- salirse del riel | escaparse
s.- escorrentía | escurrimiento | desteñimiento | carrera decisiva | carrera de desempate
escorrentía | escurrimiento | desteñimiento | carrera decisiva | carrera de desempate

INGLESPANISHDownload this dictionary
run off
imprimir; fugarse, dejar, corriendo, huir corriendo; descorrer

An English-Spanish Dictionary (Granada University, Spain), 14.4Download this dictionary
run off1
(v.) = imprimir, tirar.
Ex: Not only are they the same work, they were run off from the same plates.
run off2
(v.) = salir por pies, echar a correr, salir corriendo, salir pitando, salir disparado, darse a la fuga, salir como una flecha.
Ex: She ran off to take out the appropriate protection order against Mr. Pants, considering his intent to kill her.
(n.) = escorrentía.

Def: Agua que fluye al no ser absorbida.
Ex: The runoff from Sunday's heavy rain has caused many rivers and streams in the area to swell, causing some flooding.

(n.) = segunda votación.

Def: Generalmente para intentar resolver un empate .
Ex: Runoffs must be held just two weeks after the primary election.
* election runoff = segunda votación.