
Babylon English-SpanishDownload this dictionary
adj. programado
v. fijar la hora para, poner en agenda, poner en la agenda, poner fecha para; programar, organizar, planificar

English_Spanish by Jaime AguirreDownload this dictionary
programado | reglamentario
v.- planificar | programar | organizar | poner en la agenda | acordar la hora | concretar (una cita)
s.- cronograma | cronología | programa | programación | itinerario | horario | plazo | agenda | plan | orden del día | calendario | tabla | cuadro | hoja suplementaria | planilla | suplemento | anexo

ORCA Informática Inglés - CastellanoDownload this dictionary
(v) planificar, programar

INGLESPANISHDownload this dictionary
Supreme Court
Corte Suprema
(India) Scheduled Caste
casta clasificada
scheduled departures
salidas programadas
scheduled tribes
(India) tribus clasificadas,adivasis, tribales

An English-Spanish Dictionary (Granada University, Spain), 14.4Download this dictionary
(adj.) = programado, planificado.
Ex: Experiments using either a completely flexible approach or strictly scheduled library lessons show that a mixture of both is best.
* be scheduled for completion = tener programado su finalización, finalizar.
* be scheduled to start = tener programado su comienzo, comenzar.
* scheduled task = tarea programada.
* unscheduled = sin restricciones de horario.

(v.) = programar, planificar.
Ex: At the last meeting of the Board of Trustees of OCLC the staff was empowered to initiate scheduling the development of an interface between the OCLC network and these other nonmonographic data bases.
* overschedule = superplanificar, superprogramar.
* reschedule = reprogramar, volver a programar, volver a planificar, cambiar.
* schedule + an appointment = concertar una cita.