
Babylon English-SpanishDownload this dictionary
s. migaja, bit, pequeña cantidad; escombro; retal, retazo; pelea, bronca, escaramuza; chatarra
v. reñir, pelearse; desechar, descartar, desguazar

English_Spanish by Jaime AguirreDownload this dictionary
v.- recortar | desechar | descartar | desguazar | eliminar | abandonar
s.- recorte | retal | retazo | rastrojo | migaja | chatarra | desecho | descarte | desguace

INGLESPANISHDownload this dictionary
s. trozo, pedacito, recorte; mendrugo; riña; sobras, desperdicios, chatarra.
v. desechar, desguazar, reñir, pelear
scrap voyage
última travesía de un buque

English-Spanish plastics terminologyDownload this dictionary

An English-Spanish Dictionary (Granada University, Spain), 14.4Download this dictionary
(n.) = papel inservible.
Ex: There is much evidence to suggest that printers regularly bought paper from particular wholesalers, and that apart from scraps they rarely used paper that was more than about two years old.
* scrapbook = album de recortes.
* scrap of paper = trozo de papel.
* scrap paper = papel inservible.

(n.) = chatarra, retazo.
Ex: The demand for the old faces came to an abrupt end and the founders withdrew them from sale, some even destroying the old punches and matrices as so much scrap.
* scrap dealer = chatarrero.
* scrap metal = chatarra.
* scrap of = trozo de, retazo de.
* scrapyard = desguace, cementerio de coches, cementerio de automóviles, chatarrería.

(v.) = desechar, descartar, abandonar, eliminar, tirar.
Ex: There have even been rumours of plans to scrap most of the industrial side of its work and disperse key elements, such as the work on regional and industrial aid, to the provinces.
* scrap + a plan = abandonar una idea, abandonar un proyecto.