
Found in thesaurus: small stuff, control

Babylon English-SpanishDownload this dictionary
s. apoderamiento, aferramiento, agarrotamiento
v. agarrar, aferrar, apañar, apoderarse de, aprehender, apresar, aprisionar, arrebatar, asir, coger, coger fuertemente, echar el guante a, empuñar, incautar, incautarse, incautarse de, prender

English_Spanish by Jaime AguirreDownload this dictionary
incautación | apoderamiento | agarrotamiento | asimiento | aferramiento
v.- capturar | conquistar | incautar | confiscar | apoderarse | detener | decomisar | coger | agarrotar | atrancar | atascar

INGLESPANISHDownload this dictionary
(mech) gripado

An English-Spanish Dictionary (Granada University, Spain), 14.4Download this dictionary
(v.) = aprehender, apoderarse de, coger, incautar.
Ex: A vague sensation of apprehension seized the newly appointed personnel officer as she knocked on the director's door.
* seize on/upon = asirse, aferrarse.
* seize + the bull by the horns = coger el toro por los cuernos.
* seize + the day = vivir el momento.
* seize + the initiative = tomar la iniciativa.
* seize + the opportunity = aprovechar la oportunidad.
* seize up = empotrarse, agarrotarse, paralizarse, anquilosarse.
* seize upon + the idea of = acoger con ahínco la idea de.