sound out

Found in thesaurus: query, question

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sound out

sound out
1. speak, pronounce, or utter in a certain way; "she pronounces french words in a funny way"; "i cannot say `zip wire'"; "can the child sound out this complicated word?" [syn: pronounce, articulate, enounce, enunciate, say]

2. try to learn someone's opinions and intentions; "i have to sound out the new professor" [syn: check out, feel out]

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sound out
ağzını aramak, bir konuda bir kimsenin fikrini sormak; tanıdık olmayan bir kelimeyi her harfin sesini yavaşça çıkararak onları bir kelime olarak birleştirmek (öğrenmeyi yeni öğrenen çocuklar için)

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sound out
ask someone's opinion on an issue; pronounce an unfamiliar word by slowly uttering the sounds of each letter and assembling them into a word (for children who are learning to read)

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sound out
يفصح, يسأل شخص ما عن رأيه في مسألة ما, ينطق كلمة غريبة بطريقة بطيئة عند اخراج صوت كل حرف وتجميعها كلها في كلمة (للأطفال الذين يتعلمون القراءة)

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sound out
לשאול לדעתו של מישהו בעניין מסוים; לבטא מילה בלתי מוכרת באיטיות תוך אמירת כל הברה בנפרד (ע"י ילדים הלומדים לקרוא)