
Babylon English-SpanishDownload this dictionary
v. fluir, afluir, hacer correr, manar
s. corriente, chorro, raudal; arroyo, regato, riacho, riachuelo, río; sarta, chorrera, retahíla

English_Spanish by Jaime AguirreDownload this dictionary
v.- manar | fluir | afluir | canalizar | filtrar | pasar | emanar | transmitir continuamente
s.- arroyo | caudal | corriente | chorrera | raudal | riachuelo | río | chorro

ORCA Informática Inglés - CastellanoDownload this dictionary
corriente, flujo, secuencia (de video)

INGLESPANISHDownload this dictionary
lava stream
río de lava
arroyo, riachuelo

An English-Spanish Dictionary (Granada University, Spain), 14.4Download this dictionary
(n.) = arroyo, riachuelo.
Ex: The library will be open to the public and will cover all subjects concerning the various aspects of lakes, streams, rivers, estuaries and wetlands.
* downstream = río abajo, corriente abajo, aguas abajo.
* go against + the stream = ir (en) contra (de) la corriente, ir contra corriente.
* go with + the stream = ir con la corriente, seguir la corriente, dejarse llevar, dejarse llevar por la corriente, dejarse arrastrar, dejarse arrastrar por la corriente.
* stream + swell = arroyo + crecer, riachuelo + crecer.
* swim against + the stream = ir contra corriente, ir (en) contra (de) la corriente.
* swim with + the stream = ir con la corriente, seguir la corriente, dejarse llevar, dejarse llevar por la corriente, dejarse arrastrar, dejarse arrastrar por la corriente.
* upstream = contracorriente, corriente arriba, río arriba, aguas arriba.

(n.) = corriente, flujo.
Ex: Voters felt the stream of news coming out of London had little to do with ordinary people.
* a stream of = una serie de.
* bitstream = secuencia de bits.
* bloodstream, the = flujo sanguíneo, el; torrente sanguíneo, el; corriente sanguínea, la.
* jet stream, the = corriente de chorro, la; corriente en chorro, la.
* midstream = inesperado, repentino.
* processing stream = cadena de procesamiento.
* revenue stream = fuente de ingresos.
* steady stream of = constante flujo de, serie constante de.
* stream of consciousness = corriente de pensamiento, monólogo interior.
* stream of text = texto continuo.
* stream of traffic = circulación, movimiento.
* traffic stream = tráfico.

(n.) = corriente, tendencia.
Ex: If no such standards can be observed then, it would seem, romantic fiction along with westerns and detective stories must be regarded as some sort of cul-de-sac and rather stagnant backwater quite separate from the main stream of 'literature'.
* mainstream = corriente dominante, corriente principal.

(v.) = transmitir ininterrumpidamente.
Ex: The author explains how compressed audio files are streamed into a buffer to save time.
* mainstream = integrar, incorporar, equiparar.
* stream in = fluir abundantemente.