
Babylon English-SpanishDownload this dictionary
v. luchar, batallar, bregar, debatirse, forcejar, forcejear, lidiar, luchar en contra, pugnar; esforzarse, empeñarse, poner empeño; ser luchador
s. lucha, brega, competencia intensa, forcejeo, forcejo, pelea, pugna, puja; esfuerzo, empeño

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Struggle es una película  de Austria, dirigida por Ruth Mader en 2005, y protagonizada por Aleksandra Justa, Gottfried Breitfuss, Margit Wrobel, Martin Brambach

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English_Spanish by Jaime AguirreDownload this dictionary
v.- luchar | batallar | combatir | pugnar | forcejear | lidiar | enfrentarse | avanzar con esfuerzo | costar trabajo | tener dificultad | pasar dificultades | pasar apuros | debatirse
s.- lucha | batalla | combate | pugna | puja | forcejeo | lidia | brega | contienda | enfrentamiento | avance con gran esfuerzo

An English-Spanish Dictionary (Granada University, Spain), 14.4Download this dictionary
(n.) = lucha, esfuerzo.
Ex: The struggle to make the library an integral part of the educational process is a long-standing one which has yet to be resolved.
* armed struggle = lucha armada.
* bitter struggle = lucha enconada.
* class struggle = lucha de clases.
* power struggle = lucha de poderes, lucha por el poder.
* uphill struggle = tarea ardua, tarea muy difícil, hueso duro de roer, caballo de batalla, ardua tarea.

(v.) = luchar, pelear, forcejear, bregar.
Ex: Despite the ferment that was going on in the scientific information field during the middle years of the decade of the '50's, the ADI was struggling to survive; membership had shrunk to only 200.

(v.) = enfrentarse, tener dificultad, pasar apuros, pasar dificultades, esforzarse.
Ex: The chemist, struggling with the synthesis of an organic compound, has all the chemical literature before him in his laboratory.
* struggle with + an issue = enfrentarse a un problema.